General Discussion

General DiscussionWat is going on 2day?

Wat is going on 2day? in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So i played some doto and had to deal with extreme amount of autism. After losing games i decided to watch streams. I started with sing, who quit the stream because he faced the same amount of autism. Then i watched N0tail, who also quit because of 2 much autism. Then finally i went to sheever stream who just quit because...... You guessed it..... 2 MUCH AUTISM.

    What is goin on 2day? Is this a day where volvo makes some experiments with autistic people or wat?


      i won some ez solo, and some ez normal skill brawling.
      i guess i am an autist and this favors me.


        Well I just played a game with a Phoenix, WD and Lion where mid Zeus had to go back to base to buy a courier. So yes, there is a fair amount of mentalness going on....

        the realm's delight

          sheever has no right to complain about autism LOL


            i played 2 games and i was the autism


              but ynit ur 7k mmr

              THICC BABY SHUM

                they were 8k :D


                  sheever's mmr is meh, and singsing is usually doing shit when streaming

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    sing sing mmr is good, and he trolls half of time


                      he usually parties with some1 and hfs, and his party mmr is barely 5k. even i played against him once.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        he is not 6k?
                        edit: his solo 6k right?
                        i dont care about his party as he plays with 3k sheever. who plays veno and chases ppl around map

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          his solo is even above afair
                          he parties with other ppl also. sometimes he plays with a bunch of his random friends that nobody else knows, and quite often with ar1se whos got something like 5.6 party mmr.


                            random ass day,
                            5.5k people obsing pub game for no fucking reason, and everyone in team muted (including me) talking via chat wheel. hilarious stuff.

                            anyways, sing party is like 5k, he trolls a lot, even in solo. (his trolling in solo is still almost always better than anyone random you can get in team)

                            *almost always.

                            kanye went to uni

                              i decided to quit dota because i haven't played for a week and in that week i got both a job and a volunteering position, and applied for a bunch of other stuff, and got all the money various people owed me back, and finally got my car serviced, held a party at my house, and most of all im far less pissed off.

                              join the quit side guys, i promise nothing but good can come of it

                              kanye went to uni

                                thats whats happening for me 2day


                                  who cares


                                    CSGO and VN day for me :D


                                      @ le mayo, but do you get mmr in real life????
                                      aaaaaaaay shrekt brah


                                        "i had bad games. let me make a thread"

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          'my name is concede and i need to post shit because i have no idea what i'm doing'