General Discussion

General DiscussionI can have high mmr with this account ?

I can have high mmr with this account ? in General Discussion
@Madness | On *ω*

    doubt :)


      dont  post  here  everybody  here  are  massive  pro  players  and  they  will  blame  u  ....i  try  this  ...they  will  tell  you  that  its  your  fault!

      people  here  are  just  haters..!

        Yorum silindi

          it wont be higher then 4 k cause u still have normal skill games




              A lot of high skill and even normal skill game there. With the new smurf system, i think you will get around 3.5k mmr.


                I do 't get why people ask when they are probably only lvl 3 on dota, you still have so many games to play, you don't start off with 5k mmr you have to earn it you twat. come back in another 50 games