General Discussion

General DiscussionEarly stats on AM?

Early stats on AM? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    I saw Arteezy (ikr) and a few others get early levels of stats on AM when just afk farming for a while, and I have two (noob) questions:

    1) Why would this be done?

    2) what stats are actually being leveled? Would you put points into agi for more dmg or str for more survivability? I'm actually pretty confused about this

    thanks for the help

    casual gamer

      Yes you can get stats on am

      It gives you more hp vs physical damage lineups

      The farming speed is more helpful than mana break early if you have a free lane

      Stat point gives +2 all always

      you still need max blink with bfury

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        all of am skills are value skills

        lvl 1 blink is almost as good as any other level (minus lower cooldown)
        magic shield is not scaling to well so not worth skilling early more than once
        and manabreak is nice but u get more from stats

        leveling stats gives u +2 str +2agi +2 int

        which essentialy gives u more damage hp and mana pool for blinks and ulti

        yung griphook


          so essentially against physical damage lineups you would max blink and get stats inbetween?

          when would you go for mana break, etc


            magic shield should be left level 1 until level 23/24/25 you can max it
            stats gives more usable hp unless you're facing like a 5 zeus team

            casual gamer

              get 1 mana break at level 2 or 1
              shield is worth it over stats late game, dont skip it forever thats retarded


                if enemy team is not mobile u can keep blik lvl 1 until like level 10

                because u get lvl 10-13 very fast anyway with bfury


                  you should get stats in 99% of the games imo.
                  if you want to be really agressive you can level up Q/W
                  if you're dumb you can level up shield


                    imo u want blink maxed by the latest at lv 11, lv 12 takes ages to get cos the xp required to go from 10 to 11 is really short (so that supports get rank 2 ultis sooner). most people ive seen go 1-4-1-2 and 3 stats at 11, if u have bf before ur blink is maxed you're missing out on potential farm, which is fine if the next lv only takes like 600 xp instead of 2200


                      Blink has to be at least lvl 3, and very soon 4 when you get battle fury.

                      Mana break has to be maxed when you have manta.

                      Else you can be in 1-1-1 build


                        burning 1/1/1's until level 7 or 8 with battlefury.

                        if you are playing against axe, max your mana break by level 8 (get a 2 points into stats along the way). kills his mana when he jumps on you, and he wont be able to culling blade.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          i won more games when i started using stats am, but thats just me


                            everyone knows burning is bad on am