General Discussion

General DiscussionMute communication system

Mute communication system in General Discussion

    I don't know why people keep shouting in their mic or waste their time with elaborate sentence.
    This kind of shit is way far more relieving :

    Teammates need to back :


    > Careful!
    > Get Back!

    draws a lign towards the nearest tower

    Teammate dies despite your warning :


    > Well played !
    > Well Played !
    > Relax, you're doing fine !

    Bonus if you manage to draw a middle finger on the map.

    Support doesn't buy courrier :

    > Buy a courier please
    > Buy a courier please

    PING at support

    Telling a teammate that he should buy this :

    PING at teammate
    Alt click the object x 1000 times

    Generally the amount of PING is proportionnal to your level of frustration
    If they still don't understand you & you feel that the game is fucked because you can't win this alone and you don't want to wait any longer :

    > Good game, well played
    + FEEDING PROTOCOL : buying mass courriers & feed the enemy team

    Well you're probably going to get reported & shit but who cares, even if you win you get reported by the enemy team haha


      when ur muted u can ping only 3 or 5 times per minute as far as i know


        3 times, and this has actually lost me like 2 or 3 games, when we need to end t4>throne and all my team tp to defend against solo antimage and noone cares that i got rapier and i ping 3 times, spam well played and watch us lose that game.
        > Good game, well played

        the realm's delight

          does anyone know why the fuck it takes 1 hour to download DAC replays?


            its china server tts why theres some problems

            Make love, not flame

              I write a lot, lately I manage add "friend" in almost every sentence. => more fun, better mood, no flame, lot of commends


                Only chat wheel I use is "Get Ready", just hitting it at random intervals