General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happened to online gaming?

What happened to online gaming? in General Discussion

    So this is a bit of a vent, and rant... I'm 29, got into online gaming around 98/99. One of the things that drew me in was just how many awesome people I got to play with, and the fun times you'd have playing multiplayer in whatever it may be....

    It feels like the annoying 12 year olds in call of duty from 8 years ago are fellow adults now, but they grew up to be shitty adults. Any of you feel this way?

    Dota although fun at first, seemed to be one of the worst offenders for people being cruel to random strangers, so i've been trying to play other games lately but even in them.... this new culture seems to be taking over. Can I blame pewdiepie? lol

    I just played a game of CS GO, and on the 2nd round my team vote kicks me for literally no reason, and I get a 2 hour ban..... I'm sure the guys on my team thought it was just frikken hilarious, but this kind of trolling seems rampant in all aspects of gaming now, it's like it's awesome and coveted to be just outright toxic to people you are playing with.

    Anyways.... it's sad to see the next generation of gaming culture ruining one of my favourite sanctuaries, is it too much to ask for people to not be entirely shitty to one another while doing a recreational activity that is supposed to be centred around FUN?


      It happened when the mic became common. There's less of a filter between thinking something and saying that something. Many a time I've typed out a hate-rant to only delete it, but if I just have my mic, you're probably just going to get that hate-rant. This has kind of caused people to be less um...caring? Sympathetic? Word?...than they used to be back in the day.

      Not to mention back then the population of gaming communities was small enough that you could literally know the majority of the people that played on your server, regardless of game. So if you said anything, chances are you'd have to deal with it the next day if not later that day. Unlike now where you can be incredibly shitty to someone and then never see them again. That's actually become an attitude too "fuck him, it's not like I'll ever be grouped with him again".


        You're just growing soft, old man.

        Quick maffs

          More people more assholes


            For me dota stopped beeing fun when ranked was introduced, since now its all about +mmr.
            Before that i didnt rly cared about win/lost so i focused on my play, and was happy if i did ok. Now all i care is winning, since my first goal was to get 4100+(get in top 1%), and now is to get 5k+(considered "competitive" mmr), so if i lose because of teammates, i am pissed and i flame them. As much as i am aware its how 97% players do today.
            It doesnt matter i am casual gamer, i play ~10-25 games/week, i still care about my mmr, as most do, i belive...
            Btw i am 25 yo, started online gaming in 2003 with WC3, but i dont see this beeing that much worst than before. Only friendly multyplayer community i did play in was sicne flaming/trolling was heavily sanctioned-


              5k is not competitive tier, you mad?

              And i doubt 4k is top 1% of players xD

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