General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber Question

Ember Question in General Discussion

    What items can you get on ember that increases the dmg to the max on two scenarios?

    1. The Opponent has pushing potential; either has natures prophet, broodmother, necro book, Naga Siren

    2. The Opponent does not have natures prophet, brood, necro nor Naga Siren.

    3. Wouldn't getting all Battlefury as your item be more dmg efficient than getting deso, daudleus, maelstrom, (lets count out mkb, Divine since they can be situational). Because 1 bf is 65 damage + 35% cleave. Hypothetically.. Having 5 BF is 175%(35%x5) Cleave as its equivalent as doing +325 dmg (bf bonus dmg) as well as 568.75 Cleave Damage (175%) = total of 893.75 of Dmg inflicted in one instant of Sleight of Fist.

    King of Low Prio

      casual gamer

        Triple battlefury every game, get bottle oov and phase early

        Drums and stick/wand if you're going FG