General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat position for techies?

What position for techies? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Should he be played as 3/4/5? When should you start supporting? I watched some guides to techies but I dont think any guide touches upon how you should spend first 15 min (and where)


      position never picked is good one for him.


        In the bin


          You're already hated for picking techie, no point supporting in any way

          i go offlane, buy flying if i got first blood. that's it


            Solo offlane techies should be decent, his tower will be there the whole game, haha. :D

            Low Expectations

              Played one solo offlane but I dont think I had enought impact and it was despite crushing my lane and in only High Skill. How do you transition this from lane to midgame/what min should I aim to get Aghanims?

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