when ever you can play a couple of every heros from every roll, or when ur fav hero is op.
I'm mostly concerned with improving, so making a smurf is a waste of time
@YNIT thanks for the input . time to go spam tony xD
ezy mmr tosses.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz4G3i4QXX4 you can watch this to improve ur tony plays.
theres litteraly no difference between ranked and not ranked its same shit
the earlier u start the faster u start improving so..
You will not get higher as zeus, it was nerfed a long time ago
This account i calibrated almost 1k lower than my main lol from playing zeus
the sooner you start the sooner you'll learn. Since you're Normal and normal sucks, whatever you do will be fine. Just keep learning :)
Sometimes you will see a hero owning super ez, try that hero out. Other times you might feel you can do better than other people with the same team composition, pick that hero next time.
You saw a good combo? Make sure you try it later ->like omni pudge. Everyone has tried that out at some point, with pudge and with omni.
Little by little learn about certain advantages, terrain advantages, playstyle, potential of items you're not used to!
You're free to try everything you want!!
You will get higher playing any hero if he fits a bit. I play lot of supports because noone else wants to or can usually. Also 5th position even when I shouldn't (today I was wd, our venge maxed quite and built maelstrom at 4.2k ). Got from 2.8 in 2.5 months.
You can make big difference with every hero. Do stuff like warning your team, get better at map awareness, start shifting skills and items you buy, read about mechanics, turn rate, attack modifiers, BAT...
And don't listen to people who shitpost that you need to max hardcarry to win it for your team. That's plain stupid. If you think your teammates are retards, how about preventing them from feeding by wards or mark on the map, telling them they do good and stopping the flame. Plenty of options. Good luck.
Edit: you can check this. http://m.ign.com/wikis/dota-2/Stuff_You_Should_Know
Also the dotabuff "in case you missed" post was write good, google it. Lot of materials.
hes right
supports are the ones who wins the pubs not the carries
yes there might be games won where 5 carries wins against a well structured pick but not becouse of heroes but because of pure outplay
i can't count amount of games where i got my early game carried by a decent support (even tho they are rare breed)
u can even support with core heroes as long as u know what ur doing and then scale into late game with them and stil lcarry ur team
but good support more valuable in higer mmr's i guess cuz in lower ones decent mid or carry can win a game alone as long as his team is not ruining on purpose
sadly the higher you go the higher the chances of the team ruining your game as you get queued with high 3k and low 4k people...
and where they do lol ?
even in 6k mmr ppls random heroes pick 5 carries and throw on purpose
u gotta stop watching singsing strim
at 5k onwards, at least carries know when to split push + get core items quickly
below 3k, they just gank for 50 mins
sure they do and im president of united states
call me Barack Obama
i play dota with carries that know how to splitpush in 5k+ games
Play ranked when you want to play your best heroes.
If you want to random or try a new hero, play unranked.
normal skill ranked and non rank has literally no difference.
trying to learn in that tier of dota is a joke btw, go buy an account.
i play only ranked because i don't need morons ruining my games with the excuse 'it's non ranked, i just want to have fun'.
It really depends what you are after. If you feel like playing dota how it's mean to be played, then go ranked. If you want to play dota with 5 man carries with dagon n shit, go normal ranked.
Lütfen yorum yapmak için giriş yapınız
just curious about everyone's take on this.
When is the right time to commit to playing ranked mm, every time you play?
for example, someone like me, with "normal" aka garbage skill. Would it be more beneficial to play non-ranked, get really good with heroes of each role, and better in general to the point where i can carry my whole team, and go into ranked. Or, go into ranked now, learn from the growing pains, and get better as i play and grind that way.
any thoughts/ constructive criticism appreciated