General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas on Tiny

Midas on Tiny in General Discussion
    I used to hate on tinys that went midas as midas is like half of aghs or it can be yasha which can be build into manta later on.

    But I tried going for it after watching rtz get 10 min madas and win although it was navi who made a lot of mistakes in that game and antimage xboct didn't get enough of farm fast enough, I still wanted to try it out. And it looks like I got aghs treads bottle by my normal time the only difference was that I also had a midas. Mid was a bit hard as it was ta that I couldn't do a cambo, and wr came mid for some time making it hard for me to get cs.

    I think tiny is good vs ta as hes q kiils ta's refractions and can stun when she goes invis. But hard to lane vs as he has little armor.
    So I gotta say Tiny midas is good as long as u can get it and bottle under 8 min. Idk y bottle not showing up under items i bought, here prove. I think this should be fixed.

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      "enough of farm fast enough"

      Is that OK?


        I think yasha as first item on tiny isn't good because is just a 10% mov speed and 1.5 mlre armor.


          its a farming item, I like drums more then yasha if you want to get item before aghs.

          yung griphook

            liking the tiny posts YNIT. Making me want to learn him

            THICC BABY SHUM

              XD awesome, I'm kinda obsessed with him. Love the hero, can do a lot of things with him and pull of crazy staff.


                You keep talking about TA, but I do not see one in your images

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  That was my first game of Midas tiny, felt like I need to do the build 2 times before suggesting, my last tiny game was vs ta, andboth times I got bottle Midas before 7 min, this game it was mag mid.

                  harvard graduate

                    I pretty much always go Midas on Tiny but how do you ever get away with Midas before boots against TA without feeding over and over again? Tiny has 0 armor without Craggy IIRC and as soon as TA hits 6 she is just going to kill you over and over again.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      if she dives tower ur stun will kill all of the refraction and she will have to tank tower because when you will be stunning her you will be trying to hit creeps too, and toss is another nuke and stun that you will just have to use on her to kill her, with midas just have to never go past creep wave and go back to block creeps a little to be in safe close to tower, as you get 6, you move ok speed, but need to get boots before she gets phase boots. if she reaches 6 she is diving fast moving tiny with 2 stuns, which is not too easy to do. 1 tp from support or tiny using hes 2 spells correctly and she is rlly behind on xp and gold vs midas tiny.


                        Where do you lane as tiny? Mid? Safelane?

                        How do you manage your mana? Don't gank early? Bottle? Wand?

                        What is your usual item progression on the hero?

                        How do you get on people in team fights/small squrmishes without a blink?

                        I like the hero, but I find him hard to play. Skills are so expensive with a small mana pool.

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                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          90% of time I go mid, other 10 ether we have another mid hero, or I rather go safe lane then lanning vs viper or od

                          I start game with (2 branches and tango) into (bottle and the treads) with tread toggle and bottle you will have a lot of spells to cast. magic stick is good, but wand not too much.

                          17 min treads bottle aghs, is when I know i'm doing ok on farm.or 12 min bottle treads drums.

                          Tiny is very fast from hes ult, so you want to gank at lvl 6 or 7, but only if your team needs you to, you know for sure it will be worth to leave all that farm at mid or if you got hast or invis. In teamfight tinys goal is to stun as many enemys as possible and make sure your hitting most of enemies with cleave. If you have heroes like sniper or drow, you will need to be running in first, recently In fight I try to cambo juggernaut, pa all those squishy heroes that have a lot of armor and hard to kill with right clicks.

                          Farming wise, before you have aghs and lanes are pushed you can jungle, each camp change to int treads toss 1 creep, change to strength and finish camp, toss cd very low. change to agi to bottle.


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                            "B*tches, I raped you naked, now think what I can do with wand in my hand!" (c) Dazzle buys wand at 17:45.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              wards and smokes zupport life u know. he had boots and wand, the only support we had. thug life.


                                and I thought i was the only one addicted to tiny xD


                                  Dazzle even abandoned this match, to help his teammates farm faster. What a bro! =)

                                  P.S. New meta? Next level support?

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                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    he dc at 29 min in, after i dc for min and half, but i came back to fight, like a man.


                                      I think avalanche removes 4 layers of refraction. Also, it's good to use toss to break trees in the jungle and create shorter routes between camps, unless you have quelling blade, which is also a good item for tiny.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        yah 4 instance, btw cool fact tiny can actually toss a unit 3000 units away, that can happen if enemy blink and forestaff away after u toss unit at them, thought that's cool.