General Discussion

General DiscussionThings that 3k people say

Things that 3k people say in General Discussion

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      well, only the tiny no carry i can understand

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          first week of oracle

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          the realm's delight

            let they finish


              'lol 241 wins'



                let them finish*


                  "u are a fault to this world"


                    ''I have 5 steam accounts'' he rekt himself

                    Jay Ashborne

                      Jay Ashborne

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          where do you guys get all these shit players to say stupid things :D

                          Jay Ashborne



                              my own games, and i lost a lot of hilarious shits like:
                              -I'm a player from mouse sports boosting an account (he was 5-0, then he finished 7-12)


                                this is so epic melody lmao
                                I imagine someone with a thick [insert any slavic language] reading it

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                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  WTF MELODY WTF, how did u find it and where???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                                  were you watching game or what or wtf HOW?

                                  Jay Ashborne

                                    I religiously watch and masturbate to your games YNIT. I am a huge fan.


                                      In spanish its more funny :v

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        no srs how did you find it? i never played with you, im sure its not online and dont think you would watch my game.

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          There was a thread like this before a long long time ago and it reminded me of a tumblr page (fucking cancerous site cis scum garbage blah blah) anyway, I went browsing the images for a few pages and saw a name I knew.

                                          Posted. Ez +1

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            wow, im tired of being so popular, ppl stop watching my games.



                                              >it's in the bag!
                                              >'hey give me oracle or I feed'

                                              Jay Ashborne


                                                Legit 100% why I no longer play on this account. Lol.

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  but so many stats and memories (((( i dont think i can make new acc. will be tough going away.

                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                    The link it self needs to end in an image extension like .png or .jpeg

                                                    that image is also GOD FORSAKEN OLD lol.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      omg pretty good ones here

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        leelel i know ur popular too XD

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          IF ITS KAPPANS MODE AND I ASK FOR TONY U GIFF ME TONY

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            ahaha nice report ynit :D

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              gave me freaking veno so much fun, and look at the picks, its like he was asking to lose...


                                                                some of mine from 2k-4k

                                                                silencer afk one is not mine just found it hilarious lol

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  if only i tok pics of my chat omg I would have like hundreds of picture.
                                                                  I dont ever troll I just make game fun.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    dude I wonder the same shit about naga cus she is clearly nude in her hero picking screen pic.

                                                                    And the carry tiny thing is stupid, I get that a lot and it's retarded. I get people last picking carries then coming into my lane saying uh tiny is a support. Like hell he is. WK makes a better support than tiny, who needs gobs of farm to be very good and does a shitload of tower dmg.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi



                                                                        When I play WK people ask me where is my blink, armlet and bkb.

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          What for? All wk needs is blink mealstom and bladmail

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Dont ask me why but the word tumblr triggers me so hard

                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM



                                                                                nice grammar dude

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  Delete points ^^
                                                                                  Dots* fuck my spanglish

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    ^ thanks

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