General Discussion

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You have been muted and cannot create topics or post comments. in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    For anyone wondering what the new ban screen looks like. They updated it since the allison/melody ban. Not bad imho. Still shadow banning without a record of why you're banned is kind of retarded. Make like a log screen in settings of your infringments/length.

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      rip based allison

      King of Low Prio

        nazi mods




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              NAZI MODS !!!!!!

              Linda | DotaExchange

                Ye, i was like wtf, says i cant post cause i didn't played 10 games and not stare stats. Then after few days, i could post, and voila i am happy.

                Jay Ashborne

                  How long is they banned for moderinos?


                    It's not like the mods have someday tried to make this place a bit better right
                    We've had lots of suggestions, none was attended. Whatever, really. Their money comes from DB+, they don't really give a fuck to this place.

                    Jay Ashborne

                      It's been ever clear for a while lol Sano. Honestly how hard is it to add a few highly requested features, what happened with hiring in people lol. Where are the people they brought on. Why did so many applicants not even get return letters, just automated responses lol...

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        They banned Melody??? like for real?

                        Jay Ashborne

                          He posted something about the mods being nazis and instead of figuratively taking it as a metaphor they literally took it like assholes. Ole 14/88 Jason over there on his third reich.


                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Jay Ashborne

                              Allison didn't even do shit. He did bypassed a word filter and they hammered him too. Seems like 1945, if it quacks like a duck must be a duck lol

                              Jay Ashborne


                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    i dont think they ban smone without a legit reason :)


                                      they just did imo

                                      Jay Ashborne

                                        Who knows why they were banned. They don't know, theY were not informed why they were banned. So when the ban falls they can just make the same mistakes again because they don't know what they did wrong. This system is jacked.

                                        There are 3 others in this thread who didn't have their posts deleted, who called the mods nazis, and havoc post was deleted too but he wasn't banned. What an epic system ruled by favoritism and targeting popular names.


                                          hey  mods ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮


                                            "i dont think they ban smone without a legit reason :)"

                                            ofc they didn't
                                            it's like ppl here crying they are in lp for "no reason"

                                            just look at your post nabs

                                            Linda | DotaExchange

                                              Sigh, i got banned for posting happy new year thread, so spare me talk about who got banned for what.


                                                this forum is not big enough to be to be banning regulars for silly reasons like that.
                                                if this was a large forum on a massive site then fine but seems to me like they have made an arrogant miscalculation.
                                                but hey its their site they can do what they want but i will not help fund it anymore.

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  Violation of these codes will result in a temporary mute, varying in length depending on repeat offenders and severity of violation:
                                                  - 3 Days

                                                  could you fucking chill for a moment?

                                                  You guys cried about moderation, and now you fucking get it, and guess what? You cry cry over 3days ban for people violating rules. DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT!

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  Linda | DotaExchange

                                                    Problem is most of the guys didn't violated rules, and got banned.

                                                    So read again, be active on forums, and you will see.


                                                      trolling in every post,
                                                      never been banned,

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        Allison and melody love to go on ridiculous spamming spree's, i'm pretty sure that happened again.

                                                        I know you like em, but there is no reason for you to act as if they were angels.

                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                          Cornholio did you even fucking read it pleb? Varying on length, these guys don't know if they're banned for 3 days or forever. There is a large fucking difference between the 2.


                                                            on a serious note yes it should say when the ban expires or something, and what u have been banned for. i remember on wow forums it only used to say when it expires but not the reason, and had to search through threads to see which post was deleted.
                                                            ive been banned 7 times on wow forums, there were some mods

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              nobody ever cried about moderation, all the moderation we have always wanted is limiting game count to post so we could get rid of those bots
                                                              what we had asked for before all this was a better forum system, like having sections such as matchmaking, off-topic etc (which was never done)

                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                More or less what Sano said.


                                                                  WE begged for moderation.

                                                                  We got some.

                                                                  Now it is time to hate the mods? nah..

                                                                  As longs as the mods don't perma ban people so they have a chance to follow the rules now that they are being enforced, then its fine. Honestly a week ban isn't the worst thing in the world.

                                                                  It shouldnt jump to perma unless the account has been banned multiple times

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                    If you aren't informing people of the mistakes they are making there is no point in blind punishment.

                                                                    Also @ concede, it should?

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      speaking of banning... dotaexhange has some bots spamming some crazy shit something in russian and online pill sales..... going to go clean that up.


                                                                        there is a sticky about what is against the rules. The fact that half the forum should be banned given those rules is a valid argument, but the rules are there.

                                                                        what isn't forthcoming is why or who they chose to enforce those rules on.


                                                                          moderation, at least to me, means helping to organize this place, banning bots and listening to the users' feedback, not banning oldschool members who say the f-word or post a stupid twitch nazi joke lol


                                                                            HEY doterbuffmods, I’M TRYING TO LEARN TO PLAY RIKI. I JUST HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT THE SKILL BUILD: SHOULD I MAX BACKSTAB LIKE YOU BACKSTABBED Melody/allison, SMOKESCREEN SO THEY MISS ME LIKE we MISS melody/allison 70% OF THE TIME, OR PERMANET INVISIBILITY SO I COULD DISAPPEAR LIKE melody/allison DISAPPEARED FROM these forums and us


                                                                              Yea I can't speak for every person that got banned. Allison I don't know, and Melody is personal nonsense that is deeper than most users are aware of.

                                                                              I sure as hell don't see wave posting here anymore. X6 and hael are mostly kept in line...

                                                                              I mean it is better than it was 2 months ago.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                I actually liked wave, and I'm not the only one BibleThump

                                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                                  I didn't mind wve except that his vocabulary and targeting was kind of old.


                                                                                    me too


                                                                                      I didn't mind wave, but he did stir some pointless shit.

                                                                                      That said, the forums (more like, message board) are indeed better than they were during the first half of 2014...moderately, but it's a start.

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        If they where actually consistent with their bans there would be no issues. They target specific people and ignore their friends. This is why melody only recently started getting banned because he use to be in their inner circle until they had a falling out and now he is somehow unacceptable.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          at one point I was banned for saying




                                                                                            i love u butt

                                                                                              i didn't realise i was shadow banned, it just said i couldn't post till i had 10 games. and i have over 100 games already

                                                                                              i think i was banned for posting a joke in the new years post

                                                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                Also @ concede I think you need to read that again man, pretty sure you typoed somewhere.

                                                                                                "It should jump to perma unless the account has been banned multiple times."

                                                                                                You mean it shouldn't jump to permanently banned unless they've been banned multiple times?

                                                                                                Otherwise I'm failing to see your logic here dude, you more or less stated that accounts with single infringements are the ones to get permanent lock, and multiple infringement users don't have to worry about it. Lol

                                                                                                  Yorum silindi


                                                                                                    yes it was a typo. Will fix.


                                                                                                      Hi, I'll try to clear some things up:

                                                                                                      1) The bans are temporary. Those who were banned can see how long they are banned for in their settings page.

                                                                                                      2) We have word filters for a reason. Typing like T H I S to get around them will get you banned, period.

                                                                                                      3) Hateful language will get you banned, period.

                                                                                                      Also, I just looked at the logs for the cases that you're referring to.

                                                                                                      Allison was banned for, quoting the exact reason: "bypassing acceptable words for gay slurs"

                                                                                                      Melody was banned for "swastikas"

                                                                                                      TIL it's not hard to avoid getting banned. All you need to do is resist your inner urge to act like a hateful idiot.

                                                                                                      Edit: to clarify, the previous "must play 10 games" text was a bug - sorry about that. We didn't shadowban, it was simply stating the wrong reason for the mute.

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