General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion: in CM and CD games show who was captain in each team

Suggestion: in CM and CD games show who was captain in each team in General Discussion

    I play solo mmr CM a lot, and I am often picking. Sometimes I feel like my winrate when I don't pick is much lower than when I do, but there's no way to check is it true or it is my imagination - in old games it is easy to mess my picks with just picks I liked.
    To my mind, a little "crown" sign near nickname will be the best choice.
    I am sure this feature is possible to add, but of course it will need some work.
    Would also be awesome if I could see that sign in my matches list and in last matches in my profile.
    And it may even have some use in pro games: I'm not sure captain never change in pro teams.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Also an offtop question which doesn't deserve a new topic:
      Why FRIENDS table doesn't check my steam friends? I almost always play solo and there I have some random people who was put in the same team as me several times by matchmaking. I don't mind this feature, but it seems weird.

      i love u butt

        sure make more people spam that captain making it visible post game!

        to be honest, playing solo mmr in cm is like getting cancer twice.

        if working with 5 random strangers isn't enough
        toss in the random chance of getting a weird hero you hate playing, in a role you don't know how to

        and i am saying that from a 5k mmr cm perspective. Imagine the lower mmr hell

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          Stop bullshiting about CM. Played that mode from 3000 to 5200, it's the only true mode. Would love too see my CM win rate when I was captain, bet it's over 65%.


            I have 3.9k mmr and yes, sometimes people becomes cap and picks shit, but in most cases I get a balanced pick and some great counters for it are banned. AP is much more random: those people are still here and still pick shit, but you also can never be sure you won't get countered to the hell.
            Talking about playing hero you don't like: I can play most heroes, so there's little chance there will be less than 2 from my pool in pick, even if I am not cap.
            P.S. By the way why should I listen to someone who have 96 wins? Or if it isn't your main acc, then why write from it?

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Don't do that. Pick a mid hero for yourself and center the rest of the team around you. ez mmr


                Well, the problem is that I play carry, offlane and support. On mid I play well only few situational heroes: zeus, silencer, od; also viper, razor, drow, etc.
                It's just not my role. That why I play cm and try to be cap, or at least give suggestions - to make my impact on game bigger. In AP I try to get carry only after enemy picks, to counter and not be countered, but someone surely take 1 or even 2 carries earlier. Fuck AP.


                  The fastest finger captain pick is really dumb and pointless. Should pick a captain at random from those that volunteer. Not wanting to spam mouse-clicks and thus never being captain is sufficient to make the mode misery for me.