You don't believe, so I don't give a shit. He believes in me.
I want to wish you all good luck! Life, wifes, cash, whatever it'll be. Hope you achieve what you want!
"Self promoting"
I dont understand what he was trying to promote unless it was an idea, in which case the the internet is basically a place to share and promote ideas. Probably the dumbest fucking excuse I have ever heard, (Besides marlan 49% winrate kappa). All I see is jealous 3k mods.
I believe DD. You go boy.
'promote' used in the context that they were affliated
the retarded mod saw the C9 in belieberboi's name and assumed they were
This is what i was talking about DD.
Yeah I figured, however it's irrelevant.
Thanks Melody. Together, we can do anything. I'll try hard.
despite it being a stupid rule, reddit will delete/ban if a person appears to be advertising a reddit thread on twitter.
The mods are stricter since the admins (actual reddit employees) came in and shadowbanned Cyborgmatt.
The site while sometimes retaining good information is cancer. People will sometimes feather down opinions and advice because they care about karma, and I would rather have harsh, truthful, and honest advice rather than a lightened up stew of mediocre words.
Anonymity > Rep
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