General Discussion

General DiscussionSHADOW FRIEND GUY

SHADOW FRIEND GUY in General Discussion

    What is up with shadow fiend + eul's build? I can see it being useful to set up ulti


      Infinite nukes and increased movement speed?

      Jay Ashborne

        Who did this in professional games? I see dendi do refresher constantly. I forget who did euls tho.


          Refresher is stupid, but Euls is legit


            Euls is legit if you're able to micro your shadow razes.

            Most of the time people can't do that properly and building micro-intensive shadow feed is wrong and good way to lose the game.

            Fighting-type of Shadow Feed is what most of the SF players should focus on since that build will give them much more space for mistakes on this squishy and weak hero.

            Euls dates from Dota 1. PIS, Yamateh and guys like that did this, aswell as some other good SF players.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              Eul the enemy dag inside the cyclone then requiem 1 ulti gg. :(


                EE has done it in pubs, think Fear too


                  Fear is old gamer aswell so nothing new.

                  One more time, don't try euls-sf if you're not confortable using shadow razes well enough.

                  It's just waste of money, since you won't use that mana regen/ms.

                  If you need MS, go for Phase Boots or travel. But best option for decent-ish or new SF is Treads.


                    Euls+Blink means you can avoid a lot of deaths as well