General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I'm #25 on the Terrorblade top 100 list, anyone have tips for me s...

So I'm #25 on the Terrorblade top 100 list, anyone have tips for me so that I can become a better TB player? in General Discussion
whatever it takes

    Title says it all. I may be #25 on the Terrorblade rankings, but I'm still looking to improve. Any help or replays, etc would be appreciated. Thank you!



      whatever it takes

        I've already implemented the bottle into my build during some of my games, as I use them to store DD runes, etc.


          idk you farm quite fast... why do you lose when you lose? and do you lose because of the first 10 min or 30+?

          Giff me Wingman

            Honestly, you do seem rather decent, i would prolly wait for matrice or zenoth to answer.

            whatever it takes

              I lose because of my own mistakes. Even in games when we seem like we're getting stomped, I find farm and carry the team. My most recent loss was in soloq, where the opponents had a friend wisp on our team, so he fed for them & got them fat. The next most recent loss was when I made a crucial error in buying back and dying shortly after. I've already gathered tips from matrice & zenoth.


                ah so you're a stacker. Go play with barbies fucking noobshit

                whatever it takes

                  Lol? I'm at 5k and you're calling me a noobshit? & wasn't the point of this thread to ask for tips from anyone who may have any advice whatsoever?

                  whatever it takes

                    Please take a look at the tb grind I had around 9 months ago. I know that may have been a pretty long time ago, but that was I grind I did to get up to 5k4 :) & to add to that, don't you know that Zenoth has taken a break from solo/rmm in general and plays his TB in a stack?

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    Jay Ashborne

                      Don't act like 5 k is good anymore when there are 8 k players. You're a little higher than average.

                      As far as advice goes, yeah I'd wait for matrice or zenoth.


                        its even worse if you reached that mmr months ago when tb rly was op, like tinker in his time, etc

                        filthy stackers srsly ruining games for solo queue people, playing like shit and still complaining, boosting stats, etc



                            personally i've been experimenting with builds that increase impact earlier

                            i still get that early BoTs but i've been playing around with new diffusal, eblade etc

                            you probably have most basics already, beyond that it's item choices, decision making and subtleties that can't really be helped through mere advice, just play tb more and get more experienced with him

                            i still pick tb in solo ranked here and there and my win rate isn't dropping despite the nerfs, so there's that


                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Jay Ashborne

                              It's not tb that needs the nerf, it's zenoth. Kappa

                              whatever it takes

                                How can I ruin the game for soloq people when I play in parties...

                                Yeah I know which is why I'm asking for advice from players who have something to share, I wasn't looking for a fight

                                I'm friends with you on my alt acc but idk why you haven't accepted my f/r from this one :( But okay, noted, thank you for your advice & it would really be appreciated if I could add you so that we can talk! And yeah, I pick TB in solo ranked at times as well, and same here, my w/r hasn't dropped since the nerf.


                                  well i can't seem to find any request from your current account


                                    ayumilove stack too stronk




                                        solo rank warrior just ignore Benao