General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm in the 700 MMR bracket. What can I do to improve?

I'm in the 700 MMR bracket. What can I do to improve? in General Discussion
meow maniac

    A lot of times I make really poor decisions and I ruin the game for my teammates. What should I start doing in order to improve overall?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      for starters change name


        doesnt even matter if you win yet. srsly.
        just play different heroes and have fun doing it! find a hero you enjoy playing and gives you win? play it some more while still playing other new heroes.

        when i was new at the game i played a lot of axe :) Lord axe is good towards noobs and newcomers :) Dont bother skilling call, go with max fire and helix.

        NextStep ®

          Watch stream and learn from the decent players.


            Before you play a hero in a real game:

            Read a guide on how to play the hero. Doesn't matter if it's the best guide; it'll give you an idea of how to play the hero and what items to buy.

            Play 1-3 bot games with the hero to get comfortable with the abilities and animations.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              1 add me to friends
              2 let me coach u


                700mmr, is this a joke? :D

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  I seen ppl with 38 mmr


                    u should start l2p imo


                      Link me to a game (replay) that you think you did WELL in. I'll give you some comments.


                        I think u don't need replay to give comments in 700mmr

                        Linda | DotaExchange

                          God, i think you need to forget about everything you know about d2 and start from scratch

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            linda not nice, i will teach, coach and we will see results.


                              just go stout 2 branch 1 salve 1 tango for melee heroes
                              rop 2 branch 1 salve 1 tango for range heroes
                              your mmr will increase by 500 at least, almost all starting item builds in low mmr are full retard.
                              just from starting build alone you will be able to fight anyone

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              Linda | DotaExchange

                                ^ what i said is a plus for you. You will learn someone from scratch, then trying to change what he knows and fill up gaps.



                                  In every match you get close of dying 10 times or you pass it, and even in the matches you win your score is horrible, you're picking Alchemist too much, you just need to watch some good gameplays to get an overview, after many defeats you alrady have a insight of everything, worry not.

                                  meow maniac

                                    I usually follow a guide. Most guides have me starting with three branches, a salve and a tango. I also buy TP scrolls when necessary. I don't auto-attack creeps and as of late I've been stacking ancients. I think I do poorly because of how often I just sort of roam around, doing nothing. I also tend to engage to save teammates when I really shouldn't.

                                    And yeah, I do die A LOT.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      give me your account, i give u in exchage a 3k one easy =)


                                        i will tell megapenis to add you hes 300mmr brain / 2k mmr doto

                                        Low Expectations

                                          2k mmr must seem like pros at 700 mmr :D


                                            Start using both hands and hotkeys. This should bring you to 1.5 k mmr...

                                            meow maniac

                                              Techies straight wrecks in this MMR bracket. The players are unfamilar with sentry wards & sight stones and they just love to walk right into freshly placed mines.


                                                pick razor


                                                  Omg dude, me was 700 too hahahah


                                                    @NextStep ゾンビ - Most retarded answer I read on here.