General Discussion

General Discussioni think troll warlord is my new goto carry

i think troll warlord is my new goto carry in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    His win rate has jumped 4% from 6.82c to 6.83. I'm not sure exactly the bug they fixed but it seems notiacable when clearing jungle.

    He's such a versatile carry. Being able to slow, nuke, make other carries miss and go ranged form when being kited makes him strong. I mean invokers and skywraths will try to force staff away, I hit my phase boots and switch to range form and finish them off anyway. And then his tower damage is nuts so any little opening is a chance to rax. He's so easy to farm with and rosh is quite easy on him too.

    I don't really know what counters him other than a shitload of disables to get to him once bkb is down. But so far every game has been winnable, a couple loses came because I dove towers too hard.

    If anyone cares, going phase boots, aquila, dominator, crystalis then get a quell blade for an easy rosh. You can rosh before the crystalis but it will be kind of close. If you put more points into fervor than bash it's easier. Then bkb if needed and s&y. The maim proc is incredibly good on him, people will not escape you. You can open with ranged whirling axes then a couple attacks and they'll be maimed. Then finish up satanic and daedulus. I used to really like butterfly on him but most carries will already be going mkb for your whirl axes anyway.

    Build I just max whirling axes and get at least 1 point in fervor by level 7.

    Sup m8

      Troll is a very strong carry with certain lineups, but can be kited easily

      आप गे क्यों

        troll was strong b4 the patch, its just that people finally noticed him enough to find out how to play him properly

        plus having a slight buff/glitch fix is nice


          Wtf, Queling Blade doesn't work on roshan, wtf is wrong with you? XD

          Von Darkmoor

            Blink dagger is op on troll and hillarius!


              I'm really confused on whether to max his Q or E first. Both seem to give needed bonuses. I did it with 2 points in E and then maxing Q and now I'm gonna max E first , wanna see the difference in practice.


                qb works on rosh


                  The bug they fixed, is his fervor stack being on stack too low,

                  basically, he was supposed to be 1-2-3-4, but instead was 0-1-2-3 stack

                  that's an huge buff in fixing it (in bulk it's almost like if they gave to troll +34% as)

                  not to mention that in max stack + fervor, he no longer reach that 400 ias max (unless he build mjolnir + butter xD)

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                  Dire Wolf

                    @Luxon, I think it just depends if you are trying to fight more or farm more. More points in Q is great for fighting because of move speed and longer bashes but it doesn't do anything for your farm past the first point. I like to kind of level them evenly, go w, q, w, e, w, r, w, q, e.

                    I disagree with him being kited. He is hard to kite cus he is so fast and can pop in ranged form. You can just slow him less than you, you have to slow him and get 500 away to escape his ranged which is hard due to his speed. Where I really get messed up is just too much crap that goes through bkb or when bkb wears off. Blade mail destroys him, axe is very good vs him, omni ults wreck him if you can't purge it. One game a sven went bkb so we couldn't purge the angel and he just wrecked us. Then some times you just can't reach that zeus in the back and he'll wait out your bkb then 2 shot you after. Blade mail is the worst cus you will die if you can't attack to lifesteal. Another game a witch dr + AA just kept wrecking me through bkb. But in general he's amazing and most carries are countered by such things.

                    If anyone has some amazing builds I didn't consider yet let me know. Blink troll does seem ridiculous.


                      i hate that hero, he doesn't excel at anything

                      but i guess hes ok since he can open up rosh and if your team has heroes that can make use of his ult

                      Miku Plays


                        If you didnt know, Troll can actually jungle lvl 1. I dont like your skill build though, i rather go Q>W>Q>E>Q>R>Q>W>W>W>R>E>E>E

                        Also, my item build with him is:

                        starting : tango, circlet, wraith recipe, branchx2
                        early : RoA, Phase, morbid - - - > at this stage im in jungle most of the time then lane push tower tp somewhere else, go enemy jungle farm there then go to your ancients

                        mid game : RoA, Phase, Morbid, Crystalys, Shadowblade - - -> going for pickoffs

                        late game : Phase, Satanic, Daedalus, Shadowblade, BkB, either AC or butter - - -> shadowblade can be replaced by any item of choice

                        overall, hes a very good late game hero with the right team, he is very easy to kite and he is very squishy so i prefer farming most of the time after i got my morbid. Troll doesnt like go head to head with Spectre late game.

                        Dire Wolf

                          "i hate that hero, he doesn't excel at anything"

                          I don't really agree with that, he's so easy to farm with and pushes better and does more tower damage than majority of other carries.

                          A lvl 1 jungle build would be a lot different than in lane. I find the whirling axes dmg too strong for in lane, one good ranged one and melee one and enemy's hp is half gone.



                            This is how i like to troll


                              I never liked troll even though i consider him being pretty strong, especially in the mid lane. I think it's because i've never figured out a great item build for him..

                              Dire Wolf

                                He's flexible. Phase boots and dominator are core (I have gone vlads before but don't recomend it unless you have many heroes who benefit, even then let one of them build it), after that it's all up to you. Crystalis, yasha, drums and aquila all good early items, butterfly, daedulus, mkb, all good late items. Bkb is usually required too, just depends on enemies.

                                He's one of those heroes you could go a standard build with no variation and do fine, try going phase, aquila, dominator, crystalis, bkb if needed, s&y, daedulus.


                                  "I have gone vlads before but don't recomend it"
                                  pms -> quelling -> boots -> orb of venom -> phase -> vlad -> sny -> skadi -> shadowblade.
                                  I hate bkb

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    There's nothing wrong with vlads, the problem is it doesn't upgrade into satanic ;) You can always get it and sell it late though if you want satanic late. On plus side you can skip aquila if you go vlads for mana regen.

                                    Anyway, here's a great example of how troll can be completely op. Yes I was playing retards, but they had zero stuns and viper can't actually kite troll the way he kites an ursa or other melee carries. DP couldn't out run me either. Just pop into ranged form. And the ursa can't manfight me before he has an mkb.



                                      Dominate a big wolf and command it to move around you. It has decent move speed and it will have like 1100 hp. Also can take rosh easier.


                                        Yeah vlad is fucking awefull, even if you have no micro, dominate a creep and make it follow you the whole game is still more effectiv:

                                        speed kobolt, wolf, blue ogre, or even harpy for night vision.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          not to mention that in max stack + fervor, he no longer reach that 400 ias max (unless he build mjolnir + butter xD)

                                          Matrice, did you mix up max attack speed too? I used to think 400 was max cause wr's ulti gave 400 but in the last patch they said:

                                          Maximum Attack Speed increased from 500 to 600 (the primary impact of this is on abilities like Windranger's Focus Fire and Ursa's Overpower)

                                          On topic: Troll is extremely strong against right click because of his armor and evasion but just melts to nukes like any other carry, bkb solves most of that though.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            IAS stands for "Increased Attack Speed" and refers to attack speed over basic 100%.

                                            The cap was 400 IAS or 500 AS.


                                              Oh I see, I did not know that. Do you know which one does it refer to in the hero panel? (on the sword)


                                                It refers to attack speed (it's written there).


                                                  Back in DotA i played like almost a year only with troll, it's the second hero I played in dota, and the first I actually won against bots and started to study..

                                                  Basically you can go 3 diff routes for Jah'rakal

                                                  1: Mid lane -> Skill Build 1 or 2
                                                  2: Safe Lane -> Skill Build 1 or 2
                                                  3: Jungle -> Skill Build 3

                                                  The builds:

                                                  1: (W,Q,W,E,W,R,W,E,E,E,R,Q,Q,Q,+,R) -> extreme early game dominance, if played correctly can win almost any lane with W.Axes insane damage+blind+slow

                                                  2: (Q,W,E,W,Q,R,W,Q,Q,W,R,E,E,E,+,R) -> all-around build, if you have a decent support, to lock your targets down you can go for this build to get better at right-click/push towers

                                                  3: (Q,E,E,W,E,R,E,Q,Q,Q,R,W,W,W,+,R) -> Just one point in W to escape ganks in jungle, max E for best efficiency in farm, and max Q to max dmg output

                                                  In any of this roles, you will be the #1 or #2 position for your team.

                                                  Basically if you are the #2 you can go Bracer > Treads > RoB > Yasha > Vlads > Drums > SnY > (Diffusal if needed) > Deso/Mael->Mjol

                                                  You'll be be a pusher, utility, semi-carrier, your objective is to burn squish targets, or simple lock them down for your team to kill, all the items are pretty easy to build, so you don't need too much kills, just the jungle and the pushes will give you gold to grant you the items to make a HUGE advantage in a TF, you DON'T pick BKB, because if they lock you down, probably your carry will be free to kill, also you aren't a front-line...

                                                  If you are #1 the build go something like WB > OoV > Boots > RoA > Phase > BKB > Sange(Replace OoV) > Crystalys > HoD > (MKB if needed, replaces RoA) > SnY > Buriza > Satanic.

                                                  Dagger, Lothar, Assault, are all situational items, which can be good on some games, with certain lineups...

                                                  As #1 BKB is basically core for troll, which gives HP, Damage, and the damn Magic Immunity, Omini is a great replacement, so you can free 1 slot. You always need to focus the more dangerous target no matter how ''tanky'' it is, because troll melts any hero in late game if played correctly.

                                                  BFly sounds good on paper, but only works on Potato Elo, where nobody will build MKB for W.Axes, so don't waste your time.

                                                  For a fast solo roshan starting in the jungle, you can get before 10:00 mark, with lvl 8/7, all you need is , max fervor, one trance, and at least lvl 3 in Rage. use domi to get wolf aura or preferably blue ogre to give shield, smoke into rosh's pit, put ogre on auto cast, and just trance against rosh, it's important to note a experienced player will notice ult ''without'' reason, and maybe check rosh's pit, so you maybe need to ask to your team make a fake initiate on lanes when you ult, to "justify" it.

                                                  oracle, veng, medallion, BM, leoric, are all great buddys to make latter rosh, in less than 10 seconds.

                                                  Special mention to BM(BeastMaster), by far one of the bests troll allys, the stacked IAS from them to the team is insane... a good #1 carry with troll as #2, and BM as #3, just cant loose, is rat doto at finest, and if someone dare to fight with you, they will need to take care of a #1 farmed carry with 225 Extra IAS(4 Hypersontes).

                                                  This is how to play troll.


                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    It always amuses me, when people think MKB renders Bfly useless.


                                                      Isn't useless, but you can buy better items for 6k gold... also, you will give to the enemy team the opportunity to counter one spell and one item with just MKB...

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        On a hero like troll I'd much rather have a second daedulus or a skadi than a butterfly if enemy has mkb. On some other heroes like a TB I'll take the butterfly.