General Discussion

General DiscussionI have no idea sometimes

I have no idea sometimes in General Discussion

    Whole team constantly flaming me over my playstyle and item choices.

    I never flamed the entire game. I used Well Played! I gave Aegis to Slardar. I tp to gank blablabla.

    And the only reason we started balling was because I went to other lanes to gank/help out... so I'm quite pissed really. I could accept not receiving complements but being FLAMED??

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        surprised you didn't pick up dagger somewhere in there.

        but yeah, people in this game are complete shitheads, 3-4 stacks are the worst, constant trash talk from the first minute. I feel like there has been an influx of pinoys and ragey shits that have moved from SEA to aus for whatever reason.

        I don't really care about flaming or a bit of trash talk, but atm people are talking more than they are playing

        team flames me for "not participating in fights" with 80% kill participation at that time while their friend literally had 1 kill and 1 assist 25 minutes into the game.

        Really wish they brought solo queue back


          Plays SEA, wonders why everyone is toxic