General Discussion

General Discussionweird dota updates

weird dota updates in General Discussion

    so 2 days ago i had to dl whole 5.1 gb for god knows what reason, as if i had no dota2 installed. i asked my brother if he uninstalled it but he declined.
    yesterday i dl the 200-300 mb patch that came out, this morning its 3.1 gb download again.

    the fuck is going on with dota?


      ;DDDDDDDDDDD I had same bugg like a year ago, you must reinstall a game..


        -_-' any other options?


          Nope, I tryed everything. If is same bugg as I had than only uninstall works. I had something like 100 mb update than it overtime growing to like 130 than to 160 and etc etc I think its same so just reinstall and will work fine.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            do you have aa workshop or dota custom? or smth liek that?


              no no workshop or custom games, i thought of that but i never installed/tried any of it afaik.


                if yes then maybe, try, dota 2 -> properties -> dlc uncheck the workshop dlc.


                  aw then i dont know.. but i do get the 300mb update. for the 5.1 gb it was a workshop dlc in my case. And, im not getting any 3.1gb download.


                    after 300mb patch i only have a 27mb patch just dl it


                      xan do u have dota 2 test? ive heard that test needs weird updates


                        yes i do have dota 2 test, but the updates run under normal d2, also i didnt rund d2 test in god knows how long.

                        edit: motherfckers, just found out the workshop and dlc both boxed checked...... (dno what premium DLC is, but i unchecked both)

                        fucking hell, thanks.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          reinstal is the only option then... my cousin had the same thing.. its like he needed to dl whole dota everytime he turned off his pc...


                            edited the comment, thanks.
                            if anyone knows what premium dlc is let me know.




                                COMMEND ME PLS XAN.