General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc Wake UP!

Havoc Wake UP! in General Discussion

    Is your computer in your kitchen?


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      stream is lagging a bit

      Jay Ashborne


        That's like all of EU.



          That must be really weird having to eat with a computer in your kitchen. But then again, I believe most houses are smaller in Europe? Mine's in my room


            Every single bloody time ive lost round 5/6 to some stupid push strat.
            At least ive finished it 2 hours ago.

            Jay Ashborne

              Benao let me do your channel art/setup please. It looks like trash. :( I got that aesthetic.


                ok add me on steam ill give you the password


                  no offense to anyone but we couldve won the last game with a better draft (magnus-ta spectre/slark-potm bat-storm)
                  i know those guys some of them are my romanian friends and they arent any better in terms of individual skill, except for krob which is 5.7. we just got outdrafted.

                  we won first 3 tho, wp i gue$$
                  :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse:

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                    your friends are gay and play with a gay dota style... imo find new friends

                    Jay Ashborne

                      I'll hit you up some time tomorrow, I'll be in adobe for a while, but I enjoy doing this stuff, so no worries. You guys played well today, I hope to see more~

                      bum farto

                        Let it be said, I didn't want to pick storm. Someone owes me a arcana.


                          melody with the shots fired in benao stream. #relentlessism


                            Hows Benao on ts?

                            Could I possibly join your voip when you play just to like listen? I won't make noises. I'm just genuinely worried/curious about how this guy acts on VOIP compared to when he writes on forums.

                            Jay Ashborne



                              Jay Ashborne

                                Nah I love havoc. He's levels above me, I just think that the lack of familiarity with amateur play (As a team, not individuals) kind of hindered all players performance, you guys did so well up until like end and then lots of big "competitive play no no's happened". You guys just need to have more trust in each other as players, there was a lot of doubt in the draft, lanes didnt go so well and there was some conflict on calls which was very different to your previous matches.

                                Pitching around info is fine but when cap says something you should do it, unless you're unable to commit for some ingame reason (cooldown,mana,core item etc). No second guesses or doubt, just commit and trust. If it was the wrong call, discuss that discussion after game, but starting mid-game suggestions like "we should have done this" / "what if we do this instead" from other players takes focus from the game itself and starts conflict/causes doubt from the original call/hinders play.

                                I think you guys keep at it you will have multitudes of success, you guys are new and did miles better than other teams which Im sure have more time together as 5. Also some pocket drafts would be nice, drow is hella cheezy... it's also immensely powerful pre 35 min and can create hard disadvantages to come back from.

                                But eh.. draft had some issues. Core Jak so fckin good.


                                  Maybe storm wasnt the best pick, but it wasn't bad either. He ( went a bit suicidal in the last few fights, but overall i don't think that pick was the main factor in losing the game. We could have found a better hero that fits our line up and better against the enemy, but it wasnt that bad.
                                  It was a much bigger mistake, that even though we knew (and actually we saw it too) that the enemy is going to kill roshan and still every 10 minute we just let them take it freely.

                                  But to be positive, we nearly made it to the last round of these qualifiers and it was like only the 3rd time we played together. Maybe we should go for that Eizo cup on Thursday (it has only 4 rounds on the first day :D ).
                                  ggwp ogre+mirana pickers

                                  Jay Ashborne

                                    "But to be positive" -

                                    This is why I am highly anxious hoping to watch more. I know a list of people in the NA scene who are around your stacks mmr range that havent had that success, which shows synergy between the players. Well done for so little time as a team. Should just make a thread with which events you're entering and what not. I think the community would be interested as a whole.


                                      storm and ta played decent, rest of the team garbage
                                      outplayed not oudrafted


                                        also luna is my mate, lel he played so bad but he still won lel

                                        bum farto

                                          No one played garbage in our games, every pulled their weight and just because carries shine and take credit doesn't mean the supports or anyone else performed badly. We did extremely well to practically waltz our way into almost the last leg of the tournament.

                                          Honestly I think it was a little bit of everything, draft was not something I wanted as I was being pressured to pick heroes (storm, and AA) I didn't want. We let it go a little late game and Szotyi3's friend went a little yolo but all round I do feel that we did a good job to kind of grab random players and beat teams that have played together constantly.

                                          bum farto

                                            Also Szotyi3 I am up for the EIZO cup if everyone else is, and whoever is playing the offlane I would like them to practice timbersaw and magnus as those heroes are massively strong and heavily overlooked in banning stages. I have a draft plan!


                                              i am too... picks werent that bad we couldve won early game and the game but we hesitated and then krob appeared too and then ahh storm shouldve raped void 1v1 and a lot of shit went south... then we never rly decided as a team if we were gonna fight it early or late cause i thought it was early and thats the why of the cuirras pickup which made me useless the rest of the game... also it was supposed to be storm initiating so i had time and space to position myself but all in all so random fight every damn fight ccause the other team played like chinese dota from ti2 and tier3!!!!!!!! but all that comes from bo1 and not knowing opponents... we wouldve had a better chance after how it went with me farming all game and not the storm but i srsly thought it was for a few items and turn it around much much earlier....

                                              in hindsight we couldve gone storm carry top offnsive trilane and potm solo void and i wouldve raped that guy :B

                                              ---->all up for eizo cup guys

                                              Low Expectations

                                                ^Doenst storm get pretty raped by void?


                                                  i thought the opposite or i wouldve suggested the swap, the whole idea havoc had was a freefarm storm on the safelane to open up the map for us but that didnt happen.

                                                  bum farto

                                                    Storm played well I am not discrediting him at all but Void got farmed equally well which cause us issues in the late game and there are very few heroes void can't chrono and solo kill anyways.

                                                    @Benao Correct, I thought he would be off the ground raping shit a lot faster than it happened. Also the difference between this game and the other was me having farm, but getting the sceptre on AA starved me of farm. IMO I don't think AA is actually that good a pick, while strong, he is easy to take down and you can always BKB out of his ult or just tank it up if you're a carry.

                                                    I am watching drafting setups all day today to see if I can work something out for future instead of getting stuck with the same picks. Also DP goes along with the panda now :P

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