General Discussion

General Discussion[eu] recruiting 4-5.5k mmr carry for a team

[eu] recruiting 4-5.5k mmr carry for a team in General Discussion

    Hey people! FBSD (fire breathing space midgets) leader talking here. Here is our logo

    I am proud to tell that i have strong team at hand, players in every role are strong and good at their thing. All of them proven to be better than other applicants for same spot. But incase i might not be there, or be playing other game/be travelling or in worst case scenario; leaving the team due to inactivity (travelling abroad) i want someone to be my placeholder; right hand man. So that team could still play together and improve. Team members average mmr is mid 4k's with ranges of 4.2-5.2k mmr.

    As for team goals, main goal would be to improve together as a team and probably reach 5k party mmr. Like all team members went through testing phase, i will also compare participants for secondary carry position. If you are interested, give me your steam+dotabuff and i will review 10 last carry games (reliability+overall skill) OR you can give me recent 5carry games (carry and farming factor) but then review will be harsher. I want to see good carries, as good as me or better.

    Team members usually plays at 18-22hrs @UTC+2

    If interested, contact me on steam or here/pm.


      1) You made a smurf.
      2) Look at your first page.
      3) Read 1-2 again
      4) Profit $$$



        I dont have to explain myself to someone with that nickname. Considering that half of the time my match API is disabled and that i play all heroes all roles and -cm when playing solo ofc you wont see 10carry games straight given such conditions. If you are not interested, please dont make chaos here.

        I am comparing people for my clan. As for you, you either want to participate or not.

        edit: and looking at carry games (not useless 1v1 mode) and comparing me with even worse teammates doesnt make feel bad, i even feel complimented.

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          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

            helo blecwolf me name is aleizon from dotobuf can u ples review me last 10 cary games plsty i 5k mmr from peru

            Midi Prill

              Recruiting for 4k team? Lmfao
              And where is ur main?

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              bum farto

                I can vouch for him he is a decent player, in 4K teams you can't go expect too much as anyone in super skilled brackets aren't going to look for recruits on dotabuff.


                  He is nice wtf is this hate


                    add me, and we can try some games. thnx!


                      3.6-4k here, I'd like to try-out with you guys. If you want to give me a chance, feel free to Add me.



                        thank you for participation. There is no doubt that there will be test games with participants, but first i will sort out the (majority) bulk myself by analysing and comparing replays...

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Jurgen Klopp

                          how about me? :D

                          Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                            "but first i will sort out the (majority) bulk myself by analysing and comparing replays..." that sounds like a lot of effort :O


                              I can play as offlane only with earth spirit, for mmr purposes



                                sorry, the offlane spot is already taken


                                  only 2days left for applications to be sent! Hurry up, i will close the search soon :D


                                  yes, indeed... so far in received ~16 applications with ranges 3.6-5.2; thats about 160games to compare...

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    The fact that you even consider below 4.5k players is funny. I doubt a 3.8k player is worth much even if its only "noob" league.



                                      its just good will of spending your own time for lottery. For example, one of the 4.2k mmr supports from FBSD was as good as some 4.6-4.8k support participants so i chose him. MMR is not absolute proof of skill. On rare cases those lower ranked people beat out higher ones...


                                      and also this is 4k clan for starters; it's just that average mmr happened to be ~4.5k mmr if not bigger. We are not pro's just your typical pubstompers.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        ill applicate for the free analysis



                                          are you serious about this? Since ~6 5k players applied so far i had to rethink about your post...


                                            /closed search, 3 days passed

                                            thank you all for participating! Now i will spend my time comparing people (some of you will get to play with FBSD directly)


                                              Thank you all for participating and waiting while i was analysing all of the replays and stats with help of some FBSD members. I will now share the results by nickname :
                                              ELIMINATED :

                                              stage 1: 888, aghanim, el loco splogo, jake, chatsworth, low, delkaz, funkmaster

                                              stage 2: gbee, doctor love, shred you to bits, hazard, aizen, kekemon

                                              stage 3: lupukapa, kenshi, rg1, loistelias, ez kataka, brewslee, thy flesh consumed

                                              Elite five : gron, kaandy, iz, yummer, backstab. I will contact one/few of you in upcoming days, stay tuned.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                how about me?