General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your rage today?

What is your rage today? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Nothing yet, probaly later since its the start of weekend doto hard games :}


      Just won 2 games, being carried by teammates (both times had Meepo at my side).

      Raze level - zero. =)

      Sup m8

        I threw ez game. I can't even play my most played hero well. But nice teammates. Rage level- 1%


          and i cant win the games lately.
          what goes around comes around.


            Remembering that I play about 3 to 5 games per week.


              clinkz thinking that standing around and attacking tombstone 10 minutes in is a good idea.

              "i almost destroyed it"



                आप गे क्यों

                  watched the summit
                  rage over delays, lack of good content and high amounts of sellout (i dont mind ads, but if i have to watch those shitty content, gtfo)


                    offlane feeds doom 5-0 in first 10 minutes. silencer still tries to farm up orchid for some reason even though I told him not to after I saw him buy sobi mask. mid AA is getting crushed but still proceeds to buy dagon and lothars, ensuring his uselessness for the rest of the game. Losses don't get me worked up, its absolutely useless allies that do have done nothing of value for the team

                    volvo logic - 3 normal bracket players queuing together should play in VH level games. cheers xoxo

                    edit: also fkn pinoys on aus server

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      Just finished from college and rage is gone... time to chill with dem chicks and drink some coffee downtown


                        My rage will be if EG gets eliminted by Not Today, North American Dota may never be the same. xd


                          my rage is that im playing with people who dont make any effort to communicate back to me, dont listen to advice, and in general play like utter retards


                            I feed a game, and now, I won a game almost alone, neutral karma


                              raged at this Tiny cuz he called mid and failed mid hard.....flamed him too much, he tossed us into enemies all time :v

                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                  ehm fadi not buying arcanes on kka support

                                  Jay Ashborne

                                    I am a Zen master. There is no rage. You all need to learn to "Slow" down.




                                        omg creepy shit is here

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          ‡†‡ CVL† WI†CĦ ĦΘVSΣ ĠVCCI ‡†‡


                                            really need to organize s l e e p routine


                                              I REALLY NEED TO ORGANISE MY DRINK / SLEEP / COLLEGE SCHEDULE :'(


                                                had to abandon lots of games due to russian / peruvian teammates who kept feeding from min 1.