General Discussion

General DiscussionThings that been bugging you latetly.

Things that been bugging you latetly. in General Discussion

    Every patch, every flavor of the months has its pros and cons.

    What has been bugging you lately this meta?

    Broodmother player not pressuring the tower.

    Lycan player not roshing or ratting while we 4v5 and create space.

    It feels lately that people has gone back to attempting ratting but in 6.82 its no longer braindead and these players cannot adapt.

    Also Im seeing alot less support player than 1 month ago, I dont know if its just me but we used to see alot of lich going aghs and crystal maiden+AA agro tri. Now all i see is player picking jungler/core and just failing hard early vs a 3 support, 1 core and 1 carry team. I love to support but im getting fed up with 4 carry teams whining about me not spamming wards and dust because im broke as f*** and my lategame carry cant even farm when we create space. ( you may argue that its been like that since day one, well i would have made that topic long ago, its just that lately ppl seem getting greedier ).


      Naga, remove that champion and dota will be fantastic.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Haha well I agree she can be annoying sometimes, I like to play her though, she can and should be shut down very quickly early. You just dont want to go late vs her.


          earth spirit earthshaker and axe
          if u play this shit die pls


            this kind of threads

            El Pollo Diablo

              ^ meepo and ta picking trash detected
              ez inflated rating


                autistic lich es leviathan picker detected
                ez down syndrome




                  El Pollo Diablo

                    sorry, but it's a well known fact that (last picking) ta and meepo are ez wins in dota :(

                    unless you play vs op tide, lich, axe and shaker of course. maybe try slark and void in the future)


                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      All the same heroes in comp matches.
                      Same heroes in pubs except may be brew and titan, thanks god at least for that.
                      Can't even remember when I had ench in my game last time.

                      King of Low Prio

                        stop whining


                          Nothing really, but then again I've only played 32 matches the last month...


                            People picking PA as the first hero (on my team)