General Discussion

General Discussion"True" MMR? and Leaderboard

"True" MMR? and Leaderboard in General Discussion

    Is number 200 in America always been around 5550?
    If you are above 5,000 MMR, does your score fluctuate a lot?
    Please tell me what heroes/roles you normally play
    After how many ranked games will you know your "true" MMR?


      when you have 50% win over your last 60-70 game you can resonnably say that you have your true mmr. (or that you are reallly lucky / really unlucky, but those 2 cases will not happen anyway xD)

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        Spamming Invoker instantly, I still have 70% after 100 ranked matches. 5500 now, I imagine my win rate will drop tremendously soon. I want to know my true MMR, but playing with childish assholes is supremely frustrating.

        Playing unranked is so much more relaxing. No stress and I could care less about whining crybabies.


          On what account exist these 100 ranked invoker games you speak of? Just asking, no offense intended.

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            there's no true mmr. you grind it.
            you could get into europe leaderboard with 5200 before, now it's over 6k.

            any servers but eu.west are joke for the most part at the highest level.


              whats up with eue


                retarded west servers lately, forced to play east sadly. 4k bracket all over. and then people wonder how you grind mmr, you play vs 4k guys over and over that's how. just look at us leaderboard.


                  Don't you switch sharing on and off to hide matches though?


                    ^why would anyone do that. except for vrok getting win streak counting for a while. pointless.



                      My main account with the 18 guides linked to it:


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                        but when u are over 6k mmr, u win less and u lose more, right? cuz there's few ppl with that mmr

                        NextStep ®

                          Have fun climbing :) bout there soon.


                            no, I still mostly get 20/25

                            imagine this, 7k player with 4 4k's.
                            other team only has to have 600 points per player more to even it out. so 5 4.6k's.

                            difference between 4k and 4.6k for higher level player? non fucking existent. it only shows you are better than 4k players. basically any server but eu.west will mostly offer you 4k games. or low 5k ones, which is the same shit.


                              eu west master race

                              PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                Grimorum did you finally get a new computer?
                                You're no longer playing 800x 600 resolution... hahahah


                                  mmr is litteraly luck based

                                  sometimes u might get autists that ruin games on purpose 10 times in a row

                                  sometimes autists that ruin games are in enemy team 20 times in a row

                                  my mmr was varying between 6.8k to 5.5k depending on the luck

                                  eventually i gave up fuck "SOLO" which isint even solo


                                    Yeah, new computer made spells easier to see. No longer on 14 inch monitor either, now it is like 20 inch


                                      #200 was around 5400 most of the summer. However since September, its been around 5550 or so.



                                        Spamming one hero only may tell you your true MMR for solo all pick, but it wont for any other game mode, and certainly doesn't speak to professional play.

                                        All mmr is in this game is a lose basis of ones ability to win all pick games.

                                        The number will not really tell you much about your ability to play dota. I don't think there is much of a reason for you to focus on it. Just play invoker (or whoever).

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                                          Actually when you pick only one heroes, it tell your mmr for that one heroes, not for solo all pick, when you play a variety of heroes of your role, then it tells about your mmr