General Discussion

General DiscussionFrustrated at 4k

Frustrated at 4k in General Discussion
[DFG] Whale King

    So last time I hit 4k, I got up to 4.1 after after three years of moving up from my calibration of 2.8k, I went on a 12 game loss streak bringing me down to 3.7k.

    After a month, I made it back to 4.1k, and am currently on a 9 game loss streak...
    I'm just so frustrated because some of these games I really feel like there was nothing I could do, and I realize my skill level must be around 4k which is why I fluctuate around there, but I feel like I'm playing like normal and yet I just keep losing and dont know what to do.
    I took two days off and came back to three more losses.


      It's just how it goes. You win some, you lose some .

      5 days ago I was 3900, now Im 3636.

      I got over it. At the and of the day, it's just a number.

      It's not like you're way better then 3.7k if u got 4k.


        2 weeks ago I was 3.6, now I'm 4.1.

        Shit happens


          Sounds like a story of my life... Oh wait, I'm just a "ward-bitch" support player. I'm fine being kicked up and down the ladder.


            I'm the worst Storm in the world, never picking him again


              I think a lot of people are playing on tilt these days including myself, shit happens and in the grand scheme of things you'll pick up.

              Considering that storm is by FAR your strongest hero I am surprised you don't play him more.


                First time I got to 5Kish, I just kept playing the heroes I was really good at (ensure victory for one lane).

                Now I am a little rusty, I just pick last and try to fill the void for my team (never pick a jungler because your team will lose before you get anything) and I'm sort of winning again.

                Take a break from rank when you're tired, play some unrank and remind yourself that DOTA is a game, for fun.

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  Soultrap you are just a wardbitch. You arent a support player.


                    It happens to every1 when u reach a new rank u will lose learn then get up there lose learn then u will get up there and ur new grinding to higher mmr (lets say 4.4k) will start now if u improve u will keep ur way up if u dont u will stay , i calibrated at 3.7 minimum was 3.6 max 4.9 im at 4.8k atm (when i reached 4.9 i took a 1 -2 month break and when i came back i kept losing then stayed at 4.5k but as u can see im skyrocketed to 4.8k and we will see if i keep skyrocketing to 5k)


                      Ok, Melody. What is best skill to get on lvl 1 Crystal Maiden if all you do is pulling creeps in the jungle?

                      x marks the...

                        Soul trap some people just don't get situational builds. Always look to bash on you


                          @Soultrap Frostbite so you can at least farm bigger creeps while pulling or to simply have at hand when you gank or if you get ganked.


                            I would like to watch that replay;

                            did you level aura before getting into lane?


                              @x marks the... There is no benefit from going aura first, its not even a situational thing.


                                cm 1st level aura = massive ganks hueuhea


                                  4k is love, 4k is life
                                  where pa is getting halberd after they have 2 mkb, and safelane naga rushin arcane boots.
                                  oh and also mirana going power treads and dagon.

                                  x marks the...

                                    @Havoc ik i was not being serious ^ Something wrong with those builds???

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      uhmm, i think its wrong to get halberd when you are pa, enemy has already 2 mkb's and you need bkb.

                                      actually those build are fine, go use them in pubs.


                                        when ur enemies have mkb, is gg already

                                        FEEED ME

                                          Iven been stuck at 4.7 for 5months now..thats as far as my dota capability can go..not everyone can be ferrari..


                                            @Havoc Badger "There is no benefit from going aura first, its not even a situational thing."

                                            There was Silencer mid in my team, he started spamming Curse of Silent right from beginning and got very fast solo first blood. Was it mana regen aura that helped him?

                                            We lost that game anyway...

                                            P.S. BTW, why Melody stores pictures from my year ago game?

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              if you go level 1 frostbite, you get level 2 faster than going aura at 1, and then you get aura at 2. jesus fucking christ how deluded are you


                                                ^Try to play Crystal Maiden more often and raise your winrate on her, then you can talk.


                                                  knowing how to play a hero and actually executing are different things
                                                  plenty of casters for example know alot about the game but have low mmrs because they can't execute for example.

                                                  and just because my winrate with her is poor doesn't mean i dont know that levelling aura at 1 is fucking retarded.
                                                  get off your high horse since you're like 3.7k or something

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                    I just posted it because zano laughs at it everytime I post it. Ive had that same image for about a year now. It never gets old.


                                                      Enough excuses! Just say that you love me!

                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                        I love S... S... Satie.

                                                        Sorry, I tried.


                                                          I listen only anime soundtracks...


                                                            And you love me a well, and you'll love me even more the day after tomorrow, which is the day where I'll be one year closer to death.

                                                            But hey, I'm an optimist guy, so I have survived another whole year! Go me!

                                                            Fuck that level 1 aura build though :D
                                                            I really hope that was a missclick.


                                                              Oh, then let me congratulate you on your upcoming death. Let it be painless.

                                                              P.S. And yes it was a missclick, but don't tell anybody, I want to make new meta of it.


                                                                Best advice I can give you to stop being frustrated is to play what you want to play and take 15 min breaks between games

                                                                [DFG] Whale King

                                                                  Thanks for all the advice guys, I'll take a bit of a break. The problem with playing unranked is that my games of unranked are in normal skill bracket, which often makes them VERY boring.

                                                                  As for not playing storm, people very often call mid, because everyone says they can win their lane. For a while I didn't trust them because I've been stuck with horrible mid players too many times, but then I realized they think exactly the same thing about me and it isn't worth starting a game with an angry teammate that will flame you at the smallest misplay... SO I just let others mid if they call it first. Usually leaving me as support or offlane.


                                                                    ^makes sense man, always good to give teammates the benefit of the doubt and fill a role the team needs! (unless of course if youre 6k lol)

                                                                    Village Whore

                                                                      I dedicate myself to the offlane life, not many people compete with you for that

                                                                      NextStep ®


                                                                        Getting lvl 1 aura 1st is indeed situational.
                                                                        Like somehow you've to pair up with undying OFFLANE. It's good to have lvl 1 aura 1st where undying could spam decay right from the beginning.
                                                                        By the time both of you got to lvl 2. Bam...easy kill.