General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf Question

Smurf Question in General Discussion
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    Just made a smurf to see how it would go but im 4,1k on main but it says normal skill on smurf!!!!!!!! HELP




        it takes awhile to get your real skill now. last time it was 3 games now its abit less sensitive.
        pick heroes that can go online quick and stay relevant the whole game so no one steals your thunder.


          you need atleast three game, to get to very high, but with that KD, maybe your next game will be very high

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            you are getting carried by your team in normal skill, so supposedly you belong there. lol
            try to pick heroes that deal a lot of damage and can get a good kda, not antimage.

            you were like 4-5th overall in the game on hero damage, work on that.

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