General Discussion

General DiscussionCan you get items without spending money?

Can you get items without spending money? in General Discussion

    Just wondering but can you get items anyway other buying them. I have some kind of level box that gave me 1 item that doesn't change the hero look at all. Is that the only way other than spending money?

    Really want to have a cool looking invoker but don't have 1 item for him :/

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Ples Mercy

      Stop acting as if you were new, you know exacly that they drop.

      Flat is Justice!

        i don't know, i haven't seen an item drop in months

        i am starting to believe they don't exist


          If I wasnt new why would I be asking this question. Use some common sense. Your stupid and illogical. Apparently you have nothing better to do with your life than flame new players

          And the stereotype is that Americans are stupid. Yeah. Right. Dumb European

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            @Micro how do you even get an item drop? Is it random?


              They're random Oxi, and it's based on how much you've played- I wouldn't count on getting a drop any time soon. I have some vokey gear on my other acct to help if ya need


                Valve gives each new player a "starting" chest and every time you level up your profile you can open up the new chest for every level. Once you reach level 10 you'll get a level 15 chest and every 5 levels you'll get a new chest and be able to open the previous one for free. These chests have at least a rare and sometimes a mythical. About 5 months ago I got the shroom thing treants for np from one of those chests so the drops are overall pretty nice.

                As for the item drops, valve has changed the system so that it's no longer completely random and instead based on time like it is in CS:GO and TF2. Here is what Valve said straight from the client patch on October 30th

                The current item drop system doesn't function well as a reward mechanism. It drops many items on players who aren't interested in them (the items are extremely common, or they're for a hero the player doesn't play), and in the process dilutes the value of the items. We'd like to get to a place where dramatically fewer uninteresting items enter the economy. We don't have a complete solution yet, so we're going to move forward step by step, taking feedback from you as we go.

                - Item drops are now entirely time based instead of level based.
                Drop list now includes full sets, treasures, bundles and Arcanas at a rare rate instead of frequently dropping common items
                - Battle boosters have been removed from the game entirely (we actually removed them from the store in September).
                Players with an active battle booster will receive a free Treasure of the Rotted Gallows.
                Players who had an unused purchased battle booster in their armory will receive a free Treasure Redemption Token.

                Also oxi, you seem to have a complete knowledge about Dota and all of it's heroes and mechanics, which a new player wouldn't have at all. When I started, I didn't even know what one hero did, let alone all of them. Also, items are cool, but new players wouldn't have that as one of their main worries, they don't even know what's going on in games. However, you just seem to know how to build every hero that you've played so far and that you need to constantly carry tp scrolls with you. So you're telling me that with in 10 games you've managed to learn all the mechanics of Dota? Definitely a smurf



                  Try to Google too and don't make a thread out of everything. Thanks

                  - The DotaBuff community


                    after picking oxi's brain he has knowledge of the game because he played a bit before he made his own account. he went through the 'garbage noob' phase in the dark so when he got started for himself he wouldn't make serious mistakes. he also learned from watching pro players, hence the tp's. i have him on my friends list and watched his games, he's definitely new.

                    he has no friends online and based on his grammar, he's fairly young. stop being a dick


                      @Lucky exactly why I made this because I couldn't find the answer on Google

                      Also tyvm Hyuuga and DoubleR

                      DoubleR just because Im not shit like you were when you started and actually took a couple months to study how the game is played at pro level before I played myself makes me a smurf? Yes dotabuff someone actually told me the meaning of smurf rather than constantly using it to flame me when I was clueless of the meaning.

                      Also I know that most likely you have not heard my back story to why maybe I'm not as bad as most new players so go here


                        New players don't play in High / Very High bracket unless they stack.


                          ^^ nice . anyway u cant jump from normal to very high in 6 games...

                          u stack so tell ur stack to add me i want a good team to stack with me ty



                            he has friends that stack with him. he has basic mechanics down and shit. lol @ the high skill players being so butthurt the newbie is better than them. he made an effort to not suck complete dick out of the gate and now he has people willing to play with him.

                            i also flamed oxi brutally in PM's because i didn't believe he was new either, then i watched his first person perspective.