General Discussion

General DiscussionHas Weaver's build changed since the change to Geminate?

Has Weaver's build changed since the change to Geminate? in General Discussion

    Are items like Mjollnir or Daedalus legit or core?

    I generally used to build Weaver with either Linkens first (defensive), or deso first (offensive)

    But now I think early maelstrom could be offensively potent.

    What's the new optimal item build?


      daedelus has always been good on weaver, it's just that now it's better.

      in a vaccuum, desolator is still as good as it was previously because it's unchanged, it's just that now, it's worse relative to other items that have been buffed by the change to geminate, because desolator's one advantage over crit / maelstrom / basher was that the geminate attack still benefitted from the -7 armour.

      maelstrom is good because it lets you farm much faster as well as giving you good damage early on if you need to fight, and if you do, then you can still catch up later, whereas if you were to go crit or bkb first item, then you could fall behind. i probably wouldnt get mjollnir on weaver though, maelstroms good for early damage but later in the game you want to make room for something like daedelus or abyssal blade which are better damage items than mjollnir.

      optimal item build is game dependent now. linkens -> deso is less of a one-size-fits-all build since you've now got options. it's still a good build though.


        abyssal is cool


          I rush diffusal now. While deso gives more damage, diffusal is cheaper, has an easier build-up and gives good armor/ as. Not to mention the purge is really good (removes silences/dust on yourself/ team, slow for chases)
          Double feedback on geminate is decent.
          My only complaint is that purge doesn't remove windrunner (ranger) 's evasion


            it shouldent

            Dire Wolf

              I've gotten maelstrom before but it's still kind of underwhelming compared to a deso. Deso you just hit so hard. I guess if you are going farming weaver maelstrom is fine but weaver is a great fighter all game, you don't have to afk farm. But don't go mjollnir because while the proc is a lot stronger if you hit 8 people, it's rare that you'll be fighting that many things at once and need a full lightning and the attack speed is wasted on germinate since it's a fixed cooldown. I wouldn't be afraid to rush daedulus now depending on game if you don't need a linkins or bkb. Cus crystalis critting germinates is still going to be quite strong.