General Discussion

General DiscussionMy ember suck balls ass

My ember suck balls ass in General Discussion

    title explains all. i want to improve and add this to my hero pool. any tips or secrets on playing him?

    Linda | DotaExchange

      Only thing i could say to you , you should skip bkb. He is really hero, that in 100 matches, only 1 or 2 will need bkb. You can evade stuns, absorb damage, etc.

      Also, stacking bf is great idea. There is reddit thread that explains stacking bf damage and things like that.


        never buy bots until 6 slotted
        +24 dmg is quite big and it will take ages until bots would have paid off that loss
        in your last game u skilled e q e w
        thats in most of the cases really bad
        u skill chains either to lvl 2 or 4 cos of the duration increase which provides way more dmg than it sounds (e.g. u chains an enemy on lane with 2-3 creeps attacking him, getting an extra autoattack off of every creep is huge dmg)
        if u play against pa u might consider mkb instead of 2nd daedalus (or even before) since u have basically no chance of damaging her if she doesnt clump up with the rest of her team which she generally doesnt
        specific questions?


          ^@beld78 well the last 2 games i get bots because i was safelane carry but mostly failed because my support failed at zoning out an offlane viper. and then my last game only got bot because we failed to close the game and morph and pa got fat thus cant go right clicking them anymore which is why i decided to go bot to try and rat lanes out. well i watch some ferrari_430 games earlier, i noticed he gets bots early if he had some advantage to them early.


            update: new game after some watching, could have won but retard void.


              Stack BF, disregard the don't buy BKB part bkb is great on him. take into account that your hero is squishy as fuck, so don't fully comit three spirits EVER. i know it sounds so fucking cool, amagawd all in kind of move, but no it sucks (exceptions excepted). stay back using w and q, and only commit with ur E and be sure u have one spirit out alwyas.


                ^ actually, bkb is horrible on him. you should never be caught by projectile stuns or be in range for ultimates like black hole or chrono. the only potential spells you need to take care of are Global Silence and orchid silences from blink/ww intiators like prophet and invoker. In those cases Manta is actually a better option since it does the same job (dispelling) on a lower cooldown, while providing more offensive stats

                if they have lockdown but not enough damage skadi is a better option for buying you time to stay alive until the stuns/silences end

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                Welt aus Eis

                  If you want a replay my last game was pretty decent


                    well first ember game win LOL i feel getting drums yasha early this superior like ta.

                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                        Linkens seems ok if you are dealing with enemy having blink hex and doesn't have any other way to cancel it (timbersaw, meepo)

                        and triple rems is fine early on since the burst is very good

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