General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Scrim?

How to Scrim? in General Discussion

    Recently, some of my friends started playing as a 5 stack to make a team, however we only seem to queue vs 2k-3k players which ends up a stomp. We aren't super pro or anything, but not really bad either. Is TMM/ranked TMM not the place to find 'competitive' games? Where can I find such?


      I would like a teamt scrim with, the only prob is that i can only do that on weekends.


        you need some networking bro


          Join guilds, make friends.


            queue 5-stack party ranked, tryhard in all pick

            if you can't get at least an 80% win rate there then it's kinda pointless to scrim, don't bother wasting other people's time

            there are a few 3k+ teams in SEA who keep trying to find 5k+ teams to scrim and the results aren't pretty and everyone on the 5k team gets pissed off because it's a waste of time

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