General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there a bracket that has more TBD players?

Is there a bracket that has more TBD players? in General Discussion

    I feel that there is a bracket near 4k (unranked and ranked) that i feel i just get some new players more often. its not unusual to see guys with really low amount of matches playing in the same game , and they usually go really bad. so my theory about matchmaking that i think valve rate new players in dota really high, instead they it would be easier to evaluate a new player ability by the lowest bracket in dota 2 . i mean, i've already created a smurf to see that, and my first match dotabuff entitled as a very high skill match, and in my opinion, both normal matchmaking and ranked should start from 0 mmr.
    As i was thinking , i didnt thought of a really bad thing in my thinking, so i'd like to you guys to give some opinions on it


      There's barely any TBDs in 5k ranked since TI4

      I've met 1 TBD tinker since I started playing again ~50ranked games

      So it's a high possibility that your thought is right.
      I'm assuming a lot of poeple aren't satisfied with their 3k mmr so they smurf and calibrate a bit higher or something
      Even 4ks smurfing and calibrating at 4k yet again when their intention is that they deserve 5k+

      Just because one is TBD doesn't mean he isn't where he belong.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        when i was saying TBD for unranked i mean those ones that you can clearly see that its a begginner player, if the guy is just a little bad or having a bad game, i dont care really much if he is a smurf or some stuff like that, everybody has bad and good games


          it makes sense that starting mmr is somewhere in the middle so you end up in your bracket with the least number of matches



            my smurf and 2.5k this account. I will see if eventually ill drop to normal


              i guess by capping calibration MMR they also prevent calibration matches being played at a higher MMR - hence the 4k TBD glut perhaps?

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