General Discussion

General Discussionnew pl is so disgusting and op

new pl is so disgusting and op in General Discussion
Arek Akashi


    reminds me of some HON heroes . He just needs diffusal blade not even boots and the game is over

    i don't think any hero can counter this trash LOL HON hero


      u don't know how to play ember spirit, right?

      me, government hooker

        LOL @ Hon Hero,
        I miss draconis, scout, silhoette, zephyr, nomad :(

        Bot Tyrone

          yeah current PL is absolutely fucking insane, ganking him is difficult, once he gets big you not only need to have a counter, but your counter to him needs to be really fucking fat as well.

          Even though heroes like Timber and Ember (that gets pretty big) are decent counters to him, all it really takes is 1 stun or silence and PL is going to fuck them up BAD.

          The old PL was actually gankable, very early (pre-manta) you could just go on him with dust + a few nukes, a solo offlane QoP could make short work of him. Now? Not really anyone can do that except for Timber (unless he gets harassed out of the lane), PL can dodge screams/ulti so easily its just stupid. To gank him now, you need either a long range disable + burst him down instantly, or catch him in a really bad spot.

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            he's weak, you're just badd

            Anonymous mode- No chat

              ^agree with benao


                I miss Scout and Nomad.

                They were both awesome heroes which I consider balanced. Wish Dota 2 would port them over.


                  mag is good I think


                    PL is weaker than before IMHO..

                    You guys are forgetting Medusa, OD, SD, DS, Enchantress, ES, Agh Lich, Leshrac, WL...

                    god... too many good picks to list all of them, just l2p plz..


                      every single es are insane against him, he is really weak atm.

                      The only reason he might seems too strong, is when you have not a SINGLE aoe spell, and 0 teamfight presence. (but in those case, brood is much better anyway)


                        I liked the old one more

                        Dire Wolf

                          I don't think he's very good, I feel like he's worse than before. Yeah he is a better fighter and if he snowballs you can be in for some trouble but he can't push for shit, unlike before where he could rat you to death and there was nothing you could do. His fighting got a little better but his rat got a ton worse.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Nomad is balanced? Wow he was probably the most broken shit in HoN, followed by Monkey King and Draconis.


                              I preferred old Phantom Lancer.

                              I find that any Battlefury carry can wreck face, Phantom Assassin with a bfury and mjolnir can destroy PL and an Anti-Mage is really good because he can outfarm him and then destroy. Pugna works well and I really like Lina vs PL due to the AOE.


                                Keep in mind that the old PL had a magic resistance buff with his ultimate, where this one no longer has it. Therefore, he is much weaker and much easier to nuke down. Unless the PL is very good at using his dodge, clearing the illusions should not be too difficult as the current meta relies on him building damage rather than durability. A pudge with good armor can easily dispose of PL if you just rot in front of him. Illusions go away, PL melts, creating less-durable illusions, rinse-repeat until you can dismember the last one (assuming your mana isn't gone).


                                  One of those 4 in opponent team:
                                  enigma, es es and es (yeah the 3 differents), and pl can pretty much leave the game


                                    puck is the biggest counter to new PL by far. blink - silence - coil if needed - bye bye pl. BUT DONT COUNTER HIM PLS :(


                                      @nahogg thats why i liked the old one, I am too noob to dodge on the new one, and die more lol


                                        It has a 0.0 second cast time, so really, you can just reflex dodge, especially with long cast time opponents such as earthshaker (except for the ulty), bane, ogre, and plenty of single target disablers.


                                          PLs man fight in mid game is really strong right now. I think people are just treating him like the pusher carry he was instead of the mid game Stompasaurus Rex that he is now.


                                            problem is all the aoe, he just vanishes :D


                                              New pl too hard to play, 100% winrate with it. BUF HIM PLS, i died 3 times wtf.

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                                                Normal Skill...


                                                  Sure you need very high skill to press his escape and farm a diffusal. Too hard.


                                                    Your build is not that great on PL. The vladimir's has no more purpose since you don't need to sustain your illusions in the jungle, and PL has great armor for creeps. Satanic and Butterfly can be changed for daedalus and abyssal, since the damage and disable you gain increases your survivability more than 4 armor, 60 attack speed, and 60 damage. If you haven't seen Purge's commentary on his new meta, I highly recommend it. He pretty much says that the fact that the new illusions aren't as long lasting implies building more damage than durability, since you aren't making illusions to farm jungle radiance-style. His new meta revolves around the hero doing more damage himself than his illusions, while his illusions do help with mana control and confusion. If you can out dps or kill the enemy before they kill you, you don't need to worry about tankiness. That said, it is not true in all cases. Surely, I have build a hood to make up for the lack of magic resistance PL has lost, since it is not a very expensive item, yet adds about 25% extra effective health, which at the stage you should be at, PL has 1600 HP from manta and treads (if on strength), so you gain 400 effective health, compared to a reaver, giving 475 HP. One strength or durability item is pretty much all that is required of PL, and then maxing damage is effective for disposing of enemies.


                                                      vladimir DIDN'T EVER GIVE ANYTHING TO ILLUSION
                                                      It's only now that we can have a use of vladimir, as the real one has to commit...
                                                      apart from that what you wrote is pretty correct.

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                                                        I think you misunderstood (I did as well, looking back at what I wrote.) Sustain in the sense that vlads gives extra armor to PL's illusions, allowing them to tank the neutrals better, just like it works for naga or terroblade. It was useful if PL would just afk farm in the jungle until he got fat pre-6.82, but aquila suffices. Aquila is even better than vlads in this patch time to because it is not such an investment that either sets you back or prevents you from wanting to part with such an item. Personally, I just stop at basilius because it gives me the armor control in lane, the mana regen I need early on, and a bit of damage, yet I don't want to set back my first useful item: Diffusal.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          holy shit nahgg, use some paragraphs

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