General Discussion

General Discussiondirect hero counters

direct hero counters in General Discussion

    that is it man had enough games where when there are heroes just snowballin around and no counters picked us. i want to step up and pick the counters my self. fortunately i dont know them :( i kept forgetting them. anyone give the most obvious hero to hero counters?

    Bad Intentions

      Obvious counter for all melee tankk lineups
      Take note of that.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        You should have started your post with
        "My choice for"
        so that your post would look like this;

        "My choice for
        Obvious counter for all melee tankk lineups
        Take note of that."

        Because MOIST


          whenever an enemy takes phx... i take silencer, ez wins


            Whenever the enemy team picks any hero, you pick Omni to counter them.

            waku waku

              There's a ton of heroes capable of putting entire enemy teams in the dumpster if they mostly consist of melee heroes even if they're smart. (though picking like that obviously means they aren't smart) Pretty much any hero that can keep them away while dealing damage or just has an AOE skill since it's harder to position melee heroes is efficient (Viper, Death Prophet, Enigma, Necrolyte) but Dark Seer is easily able to rape them with ion shell. Hell even techies can do it because without ability to destroy mines from afar the enemy team is pretty much fucked


                whenever the enemy team picks wisp, just pick zeus Kappa


                  Easily most fun is Lich vs any Meepo who can't micro.


                    Rhasta: "Don't worry.. Be happy!"



                      Against Visage:
                      1. Any aoe carries (Kunkka, Ember, Sven, Medusa, Gyro, Luna,).
                      2. Axe, Bristle.
                      3. Evasion heroes (Void (I know that it is not technically evasion), PA, WR).
                      4. Anyone who can run fast. (WR, Lycan)
                      Do not pick
                      1. Low health, low armored heroes withot escapes.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Since phantom assassin gets picked a ton now, her direct counter is razor. Even the dotabuff stats list it as a huge razor advantage over her, for whatever that's worth.

                        Razor drains her damage even through bkb and his ult is physical dmg that also goes through bkb but can't be dodged. GG PA, she is totally screwed vs razor.

                        Ancient apparition is a very good counter to necrophos and a decent one for omni and dazzle. He is also really good vs bad void's who don't buy bkb. Wait for him to ult someone then drop a cold feet on void. He'll either move and stop attacking that person or get frozen.

                        Other good void counters are any hero that can blow him up in his ult- witch doctor's good, skywrath is good, they just drop ults on him and he dies. Pugna is ok cus he can etheral form him and waste his ult.

                        Earthshaker counters a ton of heroes, anything with illusions, and he is also very good vs lycan, terror blade, nature's, any kind of rat dota hero because he can blink and fissure and stun people a really long way away.

                        Viper counters tons of shit but I really like him vs melee heroes I want to kite like lifestealer, ursa, PA and spectre. Just slow the crap out of them.

                        Spirit breaker is a good counter pick to sniper. Charge his ass, you 1v1 him so easily at level 6. He's also pretty great vs silencer. Spirit breaker got nerfed hard and now has a rep as being underpowered and useless but he's still quite good in some matchups and under used.

                        Weaver is countered by heroes with long silences, mainly I'm thinking of death prophet and skywrath, but drow could work too, maybe silencer's ult. Doom is quite good.

                        OD is a nice counter pick to a mid brewmaster. You can steal all his int so he can't do anything in lane.

                        Huskar is countered hard by omni since all huskars dmg is those spears pretty much and omni gives free immunity to those.

                        Some heroes are countered more by items than heroes directly like omni you can purge his repel shield with diffusal, linkins is really good vs viper since he only has 1 freakin spell to cast and no way of removing linkins solo, and orchid vs any blink hero, force staff vs any melee hero etc.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          axe vs melle, drow vs ranged, silencer or earth shaker vs teamfigt heroes. dp if you want to win.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!