General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am I even in Very High bracket?

Why am I even in Very High bracket? in General Discussion

    Like seriously, I am the trashest of all trashes, low KDA, low winrate, low everything?
    Volvo fix matchmaking please!


      maybe its the smurf detection, your first game will determine your hidden mmr.
      and you did completely owned the first game.
      thats why you were placed on VH bracket


        uh..? not really?
        i lost my very first game with 6/6/0 line, that's 1.00 KDA right? and lost 4 out of my first 6 games.

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          at least you are honest :P
          idk, volvo works in mysterious ways.


            isn't valve calculating the (hidden) mmr by hero dmg?

            The hero dmg in your first games is very high (in comparison to your team). So i guess thats the reason

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              so wow. ok. spamming Laguna Blade and Dragon Slave whenever on cooldown can get me to VH bracket.
              love it.
              follow-up question: how many games before they realize that i just belong to Normal games? or that time will not happen? am i that good even my dota profile says otherwise?


                Obvious it's working as it intended if you are questioning your very high skill bracket


                  yeah, i know i dont fit into that bracket, but for how long i will stay there? that's what im trying to clear out

                  Bot Tyrone

                    cuz u r pro


                      When are people gonna realize it?

                      Woow, I'mma smurf to 5k, bang got 5k drops to 4k

                      WOooow imm gonna smurf, gets 4k YEAAAA

                      You do realize the initial mmr doesn't fucking matter? It's the progress that matters.
                      If you're dropping that obviously mean you got calibrated a bit to high and will drop eventaully.
                      If you calibrated too low, you'll climb as you're better than your team-mates and enemies, making the chance higher to win for your team as you have an advantage with YOU.

                      This applies to everything, nevertheless if you smurf or just being stuck at 4k for years. *cough*

                      Airi ♥

                        i'd rather win all the time than to be a "pro" with a 30% winrate. sad smurf is sad.

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                          when is that "drop evenually" going to happen? i can't wait
                          it's just saddening to see some tryhards crying justice, doing some wards and shit and still cant reach my Very High level? *cough*
                          well what's more saddening is even at VH bracket lots of stupid sht happens. I first pick Medusa and those "Very High" teammates pick four carries too. No wards, no nothing. Even 2k mmr scrubs have better teamwork than this. Shocking.


                            Keep in mind "Very High" starts at 3700, which is lower than 4k. And 4k is a hell of delusional people who cries whenever a firstblood happens.

                            Don't be too full of yourself dude

                            me, government hooker

                              You idiot lol,
                              I tried to do the same as you, but I was successful.
                              Next time for first ~10 games pick broodmother and afk in woods.
                              You did too much hero damage as lina and got gpm/xpm etc even though you lost, you did best on your team.

                              me, government hooker

                                And by afk i mean stand in the trees and dont farm at all just get exp every 5 min with midas and go afk again.


                                  Very high skill due legit death prophet.


                                    I love to know your MMR :) So win rate really doesn't matter? Or it matters but not greatly affects unranked mmr than KDA and Hero Damage?

                                    NextStep ®

                                      Doesn't matter High skill or Very High skill. Don't take it too seriously.
                                      Anything <5k is trash xD


                                        Why you need to drop?
                                        Can you not learn the game better by playing with more skilled (assuming they didn't get there the same way) people?
                                        Yeah, you will drop down eventually, but what's the point of that, you think you will stomp normal skill bracket or what?

                                        Game is hard!

                                          because he obv can't handle the VH games, look at his winrate. Do you fucking like losing?


                                            Holy shit 35% wr, and here Iam sad with 49% wr

                                            You know, it's not that the game is too hard or the players are too good, you must be setting your mind that you'll lose at every match so you are throwing games and playing carelessly, if you're not trolling and this is not a smurf account, try to pick easy heroes even if you don't like it, Lina is just too fragile and Medusa needs a lot of work and some experience to play her properly, I also tried to play just one hero in the beggining and didn't work very well too...

                                            Game is hard!

                                              dude are you retarded?
                                              Read the thread dude.... He said he doesn't belong in very high, ofc he will lose more than win. It has nothing to do with mindset or anything like that, he simply doesn't have the skill to keep it up.


                                                hey, he won quite a few games!:D
                                                well, sorry, but unless there's a command to deduct your MMR for normal MM, then nothing you can do, except maybe create new account or reach level 13, play 10 games as support and get like 2k MM in ranked.

                                                In the end, trying to drop by loosing won't improve your winrate neither it will help your team, so suck it up.
                                                Most people here have the opposite situation and would be jelous:D

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                                                  all new accounts get to very high bracket until about 100 - 150 games then you get thrown into trench bracket, shiet bracket or retarded bracket


                                                    All bullshit!

                                                    You are on very high cause you are very high skill.


                                                      not true all new accounts will be at high - very high skill, look at my friends games..hes at very high and now slowly climbing to high and normal later



                                                        I see, I'm sorry, dude.


                                                          I loved how that dude said about smurfing and stuff. Dude read what he asks before typing answers :D. He says i dont belong here and how i can go to normal bracket but yet here is a jack ass who says lololo you will drop never will go 5k because you are 4k-3k! Dude wake up! He isnt trying to say that..

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!