General Discussion

General DiscussionIs my razor build weird?

Is my razor build weird? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I usually go 2,3,2,3,3,4,3 max 1, then max link. I just don't feel plasma field has much to offer early cus you aren't likely going to kill people with it, and it's not suitable for farming until level 3 or 4 and when you have some mana regen.

    I'm finding with two points in link, a couple in current and phase boots most mids have no clue how fast I am or how much I can drain from them and will get caught in river and I can kill them. It also works good for ganking. While plasma is indeed a very nice nuke the current move speed and purge slow if you get hit are really good for ganking and you can just link anyone and attack walk them as they flee.

    I see a lot of other players neglecting either link or current, putting like 1 point in each and I like them a lot more than plasma field.


      once counts as 'usually'?

      "I just don't feel plasma field has much to offer early"
      yet you get ult at 6.

      builds are situational but putting too many points into abilities that aren't q means that q is maxed later and therefore has already lost effectiveness by the time you do max it, when it's extremely strong early on if your positioning is good, and wave clear is helpful as a mid hero.

      max e helps against spell spammers but you're less tanky with phase instead of treads so you tank less spells before dying. which is counterintuitive and you don't need that many levels into it, on top of phase, to zone someone out of lane or to chase them. both e and w have the highest relative increases at rank 2, so 2 points into each allows u to go 4-2-2-0, 4-2-1-1 or 3-2-2-1 by 8 to be efficient with your skill points. if you felt like your ult is needed, although it's damage is unreliable and you won't always be relatively tanky at that point in the game, where using eye of the storm would just be suicide.


        Plasma Field's so strong, you just have to learn to use it at the right time. It's usually the first spell I max, but I would put more points in Link based on my match up.

        I only get current when there are a lot of target stuns. The MS shouldn't be a problem if you have phase boots.

        If it means anything, I was top 50 Razor (78 now) and 5kish.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Unstable Current isn't even necessary on some match-ups ( if they don't have targetable spells) and getting it only for the speed isn't that good of an idea. Also Plasma Field is your only ability to push lanes.

          BSJ. LGD

            Yeah this build is alright, theres nothing wrong with it? since you ignored first skill you have mana for ult and high lvls of link and unstable current lets you chase, and in pubs people tend to not stick where this build is alright. It also offers high mobility which is nice for rotating lanes and getting runes.

            in comp the nuke is maxed because you have supports to help you, and your nuke helps to instagib people and you dont have to be near them.

            Dire Wolf

              "once counts as 'usually'?"

              My last three razor games are all some variant, not that exactly but I max'd queue after at least 2 points in link and 2 in current.

              I'll see if I can still be effective without current early, but I've been able to kill some mids leveling it. I'm not a very good mid, maybe it's my crutch.


                as a razor nerd i can tell you that you should never just go with a " build " but rather think what the different skills do for you. Sometimes like Sam Pec said you dont even need the Current.

                Dire Wolf

                  On a side note, after aghs/refresher do you like skadi or heart more as a 5th or 6th item? Skadi has the awesome slow, more stats, but heart is more hp plus with razor's speed it seems like you could dip in and out of battle easily enough to regen.


                    I think maxing E is either very rarely or never going to be correct. Maxing Link first and abstaining from wave for a while can work, but your ultimate suffers when you are around creep waves if you can't clear them.
                    Plasma Wave's granted vision cannot be underestimated either.

                    Dire Wolf

                      You guys were right, with double runes virtually uncontested in my bracket maxing Q and getting a bottle is way too good. My last razor game I spammed it on a medusa and outright killed her cus she underestimated the range. She was spamming snake on me and I still didn't give a shit, just drank more bottles. Side lanes never contest runes in my games, I think my new go to at 6 has to be 3/1/1/1 with bottle spam.

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