General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do you build on veno?

what do you build on veno? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    He has way too many useful items- phast boots vs aquilas vs arcanes? And power treads is the recommended! Seems like worst of all for him but I play support veno not carry veno.

    Then he needs mobility but rushing aghs is also huge, and if you are support veno and no one's building mek, mek is sweet on him too. So force staff/blink dagger or maybe a eul's or straight for aghs?

    I can't ever figure out what to do with this guy.


      IMO rushing Aghs isn't the best thing you can do with him. The damage is fine as it is, and if you want to increase it, Veil is better.


        Venom is a situational pick and his build is even more situational..

        He is good against dagger-makers/ some roadrunners and AoE TF damage with some extra help (tide, DS, naga ...)

        As a solo/semi it`s only decent, can take a #3 role nothing more.

        As a supp, I personally like 2 distinct builds

        1 - Against hard to kill heroes


        2 - Against squish and/or low MS


        Normally a ward focused build is only effective when you are against a very strong push lineup so you can stack wards to imitate shaman`s ult.

        RoB is a MUST, RoA is just ok.
        OoV with passive build is ridiculous good to drain out HP without the need to risk yourself too much
        Arcane normally is a good choice because of you spamming spells, low mana pool, and low general int/int gain, phase is good if do you have other mana sources (OD, CM) or are skipping ult for whatever reason.

        Always keep plague wards up not only for damage, but for warding is a great money saving to buy smokes, dust, and fast arcane , so only with one set of wards you can grant the early game for mid, and with plague you cant keep your lane safe against ganks.

        blink/force/euls/agh are all luxury items to land a better ult and nothing more, if you are ahead, just go on, but again is better to have auxiliary initiation.


          Urn of Shadows is a good pickup on Veno for a variety of reasons. I'd go arcanes only if I was also going mek. Brown Boots are just fine, Phase boots are probably your most comfortable pair because your positioning is so important. Force staff is sometimes a necessary item to build in order to prevent feeding. Veil/Aghs are your damage items.

          Dire Wolf

            I didn't even think of veil. So if his ult is reduced by standard resist of 25% with veil rank 3 does 1215 and with aghs it does 1377. Not that much more, aghs has better stats, but costs a lot more too. I can get half a force staff with the savings.

            Interesting note in the wiki on his ult says going magic immune after being poison nova'd causes it to stop ticking, but I thought it went through bkb? Maybe it's like silencer where you can bkb out but it goes through?


              There was a point where I was spamming veno with some pretty good success. Would pretty much be full support.

              Item build would be:
              Brown Boots/Wand/Basi
              Push Stick/Aghs

              Skill Build would be:
              1/2 > 2/1 > 3 > 3 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 1 > S > 4

              Just start spamming wards to push lanes once they get to level 3. They are tanky enough to where they can't kill it without losing a lot of hp. Just push towers where you can. Sometimes I skip ult until I have arcanes.


                About boots, mana boots are fine if you're the only source of mana in your team. PT are the best if you don't need the mana, the extra mana/tankiness is just too good on him. Phase are ok-ish, damage is kinda wasted and so is the ms boost, since your only job in tfs is to ult. Tranquils might be a situational pickup, better than phase for a ganking oriented veno imo.
                Any utility item is fine on him. Forcestaff, urn, veil, even medallion, are all good pickups. Mek is fine if no one else is getting it, but you'll need mana boots.
                About skill build, for most games as a support you're better with a 1-1-3-1 build at level 7, then finishing wards and maxing poison. Gale doesn't get much better with levels and you don't have the mana pool to sustain it anyways, so one point for the 50% slow is enough before level 11. Wards > Poison unless very specific scenarios.
                IMO scepter is much better than veil on veno. Your main job is to go in the middle of the fight and ult, so he greatly benefits from stats that help him survive longer. As a support, however, you'll hardly have the farm for it, so veil is decent if you're starving.
                Mobility items are situational, he doesn't need them that badly so they're not a priority. As I said, your main job is to go into a fight and ult, most of the times you can do that without a blink or a forcestaff, although the latter is mandatory against some heroes (ursa, riki, ls, clock, etc).
                About playstyle, he's pretty much straightforward:
                Spam wards to defend, spam wards to scout, spam wards to push, spam wards to cancel blink daggers before a fight breaks, spam wards to farm lane/jungle/ancients. Don't spam your wards in lane before lvl 3 because they will be free gold and deny them everytime you can. If you select a ward you can manually change who are they focusing if they're in range (same with rhasta wards).
                With a 50% lvl 1 slow, you're an amazing ganker so boots first are a good choice if your carry/mid have some lvl 1 kill potential.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                Bad Intentions

                  Check my veno games :)


                    veno's ult's damage doesn't go through BKB. BKB has always blocked it's damage, although previously, it also would block the debuff being applied to you if it was active before veno used his ultimate, rendering it completely useless. so if you were hit by the nova while magic immune, when the magic immunity ended, you would not have the poison on you.

                    now, the poison nova debuff can be applied through magic immunity and deals no damage during it, but when the unit is not magic immune anymore, it will deal damage, so you'll at least get some damage from it since bkbs only last 10 seconds tops.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      In my last game with veno I made Euls scepter as first item. U can use it from long range and help to get in to position for Gale and Ultimate. U also don't have any mana problems anymore. I don't know if it is that good though.


                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        phase>mom>dagon 1>eblade>dagon 5>mjollnir>Basher

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          ring of aquila, arcanes, mek, blink, aghs, vail, and try to craft zeus


                            I have played venomancer a few times and my build usually consists of power treads, ring of aquila, euls and aghs. I will also get drums and mek if nobody else is getting it. Blink (or even shadow blade) is good if you have trouble getting your ult off. Luxury items include manta.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Unity Chan

                              for me i get phase/threads and sb if i can get it in 15mins or under that veno will just own hard then scepter ezy gg

                              Miku Plays


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