General Discussion

General DiscussionReverse polarity stun goes tru spell immunity?!

Reverse polarity stun goes tru spell immunity?! in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    When was this implemented?! Almost costs us the last game!


      I think just the disable, not the damage.

      Wait what, your team didn't even have a BKB tho... Lol

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        Dunno. Since forever? Even when i played magnus in dota 1 3 years ago, it already went throuh spell immunity.


          Most stuns/slows/silences from ulties go trough bkb.

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            Strongest stun in dota history, goes through immunity anyway



              You play doto for the first time? It was part of the mechanics when i started to play dota 1 like 5-6 Years ago.


                @Ryfee, strongest in dota, in dota2 it's chronosphere (no pause mechanism).

                But yeah, basically, ultimate--> no damage on magic immune, but stun/slow/What ever side effect they can have (exeption of tide ult and naga ult)

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                  but, but, how can you be immune to spells and still you get hit by spells? Its like being immune to ebola but still get it.


                    So? Just the damage is magic.

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                      You are immune to the damage but not by the effect.
                      In case of ebola you might still get infected and spread the disease however might not suffer the consequences as others do.

                      And it goes through magic-immunity since forever

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                        @kord1g, just imagine some super heroes, sometimes they take a hit that strong that they are thrown away, but they didn't suffered any damage


                          it actually always happens with superheroes. What a nice points u got there.


                            Just like.... Pudge, his ulti doesn't do dmg against BKB but still steal HP and stun -_-

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Since the hero was first created.

                              Von Darkmoor

                                Its been like this since Dota 5.48 (Dota 1) thats as far as i can remember me playing what im trying to say is its allways been like this.


                                  I was surprised to learn that Berserker's call goes through magic immunity! I barely see anyone playing him lately..

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    "Most stuns/slows/silences from ulties go trough bkb."

                                    There's way too many counter examples to make this generalization.

                                    Sniper ult does nothing but can still target magic immune and provides brief vision. Necro ult does nothing but can still target magic immune. Actually I'm not 100% sure on that, the stun might go through... Lich ult applies the mini stun but not the slow or damage. Timber ult doesn't go through and it slows. Cyrstal maiden ult doesn't go through and it slows. TA ult doesn't go through and all it does is slow. Gyro ult doesn't go through and it slows as well. Wraith king reincarnation will not apply slow through bkb. Pucks only goes through will aghs.