General Discussion

General DiscussionReplace highest win rate with highest MMR?

Replace highest win rate with highest MMR? in General Discussion

    I think by now we know how easy it is to use a variety of exploits in order to get really high win rates, I don't think its really a good indicator of ability.

    A lot of the players at the top do one of the following
    -smurf stack
    -play obscure mode and/or on obscure server
    -stack + play at bad times

    Like one of the AUS guys on there is playing games at ridiculous times (~5am) as a party, and it ends up being a high bracket game so its just an absolute stomp. I myself have queued a few times around 2-3am and have managed to drop into a high bracket game, the skill level is potato. That said, even at the moment I notice absolute drop kicks in my games at normal times, not that this account is decent rated or anything, when I say potato level, i mean legit players that can't be above 2K.

    The reason I'm making this thread is because from what I gather, the initial intention of the highest win rate page was to give a rough indication of who is doing well, so noobs can start to dl these guys' replays or keep an eye out for them in the live games tab. But given that we now have a better, less exploitable indicator of skill available, maybe dotabuff could take that on board and compile a list of the highest MMR players.


      there's no way to find out a user's mmr but to add them to your friend list.

        Epic Sax Guy

          Or, stop caring about things you can't control and notice how you live a saner, happier life.

          Sad people who want to go to extreme lengths to inflate a score in a computer game will always be around. They'll just find another way to abuse these lists if there was a change. When guys like AdmiralBulldog are <6k you know the system is an approximation at best.


            Who cares about win rate, rofl, only those autistic dumbasses do that just to boost their non-existent ego.


              @Kappatino Cappucino Why you gotta be so rude! :cry: