General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat time in US East is it possible to not play with a DC trashtalk i...

What time in US East is it possible to not play with a DC trashtalk idiot in General Discussion

    I'm seriously tired of this.

    I go to college so I play late nights or early mornings and every game has the DC trashtalk guy on my team.

    I'm not even kidding , what time is most suitable?


      To understand "dc trash talk idiot" first you must become one .

      Midi Prill

        You can't escape them on USE/USW honestly. My band-aid fix was to bind "Relax, you're doing fine", and just throw that out once in a while, and mute them. Then just hope for the best. it's a very big problem honestly, I don't know why some people are so ready to give up early, especially in this patch


          I play USE from about 6pm EST to midnight and don't have problems. I'm never solo though.

          What I've found helps is the following:

          A) Never fight over lanes. Not worth it.
          B) Say, "Sure that's fine" if someone requests a lane. It reduces the chances of your other teammates fighting for a lane. (Typically mid or safe).
          C) Mute button is your friend
          D) Play with a friend! That way you always have someone decent to talk to (preferably in Skype, so that you can flame your team without starting a fight).
          E) Remember wise words of SingSing: is only game; you don't heff 2 be med

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            Thanks for the advice, but sometimes you lose your cool, specially when its a game easily winnable.

            People just give up and get into racist trash talk over nothing.

            I had a game which ended up being a grammar lesson.

            I try queuing with friends, but I'm an insomniac so I play from midnight to like 8 (when I have classes)

            I could be on tilt, but there have been many games where I've done all I could, but theres no way to try to get teammates to play WITH each other.


              Add anyone and everyone you run into that you kind of liked playing with. You'll do miles better if you can 2stack and just win a lane through coordinating your picks/abilities with your friend.

              You're also at a point where it's well worth it to expand your hero pool. Watch pro games, mess with builds in bot games, check your own replays. I won't lie and say the community mystically becomes great at X mmr (it's toxic at every mmr), but you'll be frustrated about different things at least :D