General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 3 most under powered heroes at the moment

Top 3 most under powered heroes at the moment in General Discussion

    List what you think are the top 3 most under powered heroes which should see some considerable buffs to be picked more often (not talking about competitive scene).




      rest are just situational

      Tiny Airlines

        1. Chen
        2. Visage
        3. Lone Druid

        Anti Mage needs items to be good.

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          ^Anti-Mage needs an expensive farming item very early in order to farm out other items really fast because he falls off in late game to other hard carries. And his teamfight potential is really low without any items. I'd say that's kind of under powered.

          Dire Wolf

            Zelda's list is full of lols. Some of the most powerful heroes there (in the right hands).

            None of the heroes are really straight up underpowered. Most fall into two categories that make them seem bad. First is hard to play. That's heroes like morphling, earth spirit, wisp, broodmother maybe, invoker sometimes. The best players can make these heroes seem godly but for us normal peons they are bad picks.

            The second is being too situational. Heroes who are either dependent on their own teams picks, other teams picks or the pace of the game. This is where anti mage falls as well as other other heroes like wisp and spirit breaker.

            The closest in my opinion to needing actual buffs are:
            Spirit Breaker - his bat nerf was a little much imo maybe just switch that back, leave the rest
            Shadow demon - seems a bit underwhelming as of late. His damage kind of sucks unless he stacks a ton of poisons


              Anti mage is really strong this patch


                @Zenoth. Yeah...I saw. Dual lane Anti-Mage with Dazzle vs Abaddon with soul ring and Mirana and BloodSeeker mid on enemy team. Good luck with that. #nofarm #getrekt.
                Anti-Mage is one the most situational picks because the enemy team needs to have specific picks and your team needs to have specific picks in order for you to be successful.

                He's pretty much the only carry who needs a big farming item first no matter what. And is squishy as fuck might I add.


                  In my games windrangers and bounty hunters are always in the losing team. They always have zero impact.

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                  Hex Sigma

                    Yeah i've gotta agree with 6 din 49 windranger is kind of underwhelming. I wouldn't say underpowered but she clearly needs some love from icefrog.

                    Tiny Airlines

                      I can't seem to win with Bounty Hunter either. I'm only playing him just so I can get him off my all hero list, but it just won't work.

                      If Chen and Visage are such strong heroes, then HOW the fuck do they have such low win rates?!


                        Crystal Burden, Windranger, cant think of a third...maybe wisp/enchantress

                        AM is situational, he can be good in certain games(with good support+ against intel-based cores/wraith king)



                          also wtf am is strong as fuck


                            Just because a hero as low winrate does not necessarily mean it is underpowered.

                            Thats horrible logic.

                            Tiny Airlines

                              Why do Windranger and Crystal Maiden need buffs?

                              Okay fine I'll change my top 3 underpowered-

                              Bounty Hunter


                                AM needs at least his trilane to be built around him or if not his entire team to be effective. If you're a good carry and you always play in stacks, then yes it might feel he's decently strong to you. But as is any other hardcarry with a team to secure him farm you know?

                                Dude just needs a battlefury too badly. And unlike other carries, he provides nothing if has no items. A Spectre can scout or cause havoc in fights, a Void can pull off a nice Chrono. AM does like nothing.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Because chen and visage require some of the best mico'ing skills out there. They are harder to play than meepo.

                                  Bounty is hard cus his play style is weird. You are not a ganker, you aren't really a carry, you're not a support, you're not a pusher. You entire reason for existing is to net a ton of extra gold for your team with track. You basically need to roam, join all the teamfights, track as many people as possible to get a team advantage and win.

                                  Tiny Airlines

                                    Most hard carries this patch don't need buffing at all. In fact, Void still needs some damn nerfs. So does Phantom Assassin.

                                    I was in team fights and roaming around, but after my kill streak I couldn't get anymore kills...

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Spirit Breaker. Just feels pointless.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        OMFG, DID YOU SAY VISAGE?????????????????????????

                                        THICC BABY SHUM


                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            Just because they are hard to play dsnt mean that they are bad, look at pros stats on those heroes.

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Night Stalker

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                without blog


                                                  Antimage for sure
                                                  Np i wouldn't say that he is underpowered (not even close) but he's fallen off this patch for sure, especially the blademail/talismans build.
                                                  Chen is pretty useless.
                                                  It seems to me that gyro is not that good either.

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    pudge, techies, tusk


                                                      I like antimage. Most Players just suck with him. He has a low teamfight presence? Just jump on that lina right after she used ult and slam your ult on her. Its not as overwhelming as haunt or chrono, but still not that bad.

                                                      And antimage beats the other two in splitfarming and farm generell. It is possible to get min 22 Battlefury, Vlads, Yasha, and with this setup you are allready good to go in teamfights. You just have to be patient and pick the right targets.


                                                        bad players gonna be bad.
                                                        am isn't shit as long as you aren't shit.
                                                        check out beesa's am if you want

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          Not entirelly true, who wins void with mask trads or antimage with manta vlads and trads void wins, antimage needs a lot of space.


                                                            Most players do suck with him.

                                                            That is what you call a low teamfight presence though, you're basically describing how he can't even just outright cast his ulti and has to wait for specific scenarios. Specific scenarios that don't occur often because we're talking about levels 1~14 where your low level ulti is going to hurt slightly more than your Rubick's nuke. So in short, you're good against specific targets in a specific scenario.

                                                            With a good start, 22 Battlefury, Vlads, Yasha is ridiculously easy but thats not the point. You see, for a ridiculously good start, you only become semi-useful at the 22 minute mark. You're not able to solo people down at this point of time (no lockdown and lack of DPS) and you're dependent on your team for setup because you're still squishy. The dude is a god at flashfarming yes but he needs a big item to actually start farming in the first place. Among 6 slotted carries he isn't exactly the strongest as well.

                                                            He only has a single playstyle method. He needs his team to build around him. He's also not as good as other carries against many lineups. In the right scenario, he's not weak. Its just that the right scenario happens really rare for him.


                                                              22mins bfury treads vlads yasha is subpar start
                                                              Good start on antimage without getting kills or towers but taking almost free farm could be 20-21 minutes treads bfury vlads manta and he's more than good to go to kill whole enemy team. Not to mention you have ability to clean-up after 10-20 minute skirmishes and even speed up the item progression. But he has to be played correctly, he's for cleanups, not initiations. +You can safely splitpush and actually be useful unlike most of the carries.

                                                              Midi Prill

                                                                IO definitely needs -something- but i wouldn't call him one of the worst 3 right now. But the post TI3 nerfs really hit too hard after all this power creep in the current patch...I mean seriously give him just ONE of these back:

                                                                -spirit vision
                                                                -relocate creeps
                                                                -overcharge drain reverted to how it was before
                                                                -Tether stun (yea I said it)

                                                                Anyway imo, worst 3:
                                                                CM (God I get a sinking feeling if a teammate picks this hero)

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  [.Color=] IO is fine the way he is, just balanced.[/blue.]

                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    color not working((


                                                                      Windrunner - Has been so underwhelming for so long. I love the ginger lady, but she's not good.
                                                                      TA - So sad because of Urn.
                                                                      Pugna - He just doesn't have a place this patch. He only shines in the all in push, and that isn't nearly as viable any more.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                        ta? lol are you drunk? pugna???? dude

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          lots of spells this patch sky, es, invoker,

                                                                          Von Darkmoor

                                                                            Beastmaster, Medusa, Balanar and i also think Juggernaut is pretty weak but i dont understand why? It feels like either you push and win pretty early or you lose because no mather if you get a lot lot lot lot of items his still just a one trick guy (Omnislash) i feel like all other carries even an Antimage beats him, i feel its the same for most other players aswell so there must be some stat gain or something that fuck it up. I would say his very nice early and best spell definently healing ward.

                                                                            Playing with Antimage is like playing a 4 vs 5 almost every single time he might actually show up to pick up the scraps after 50 min but most times his just the very very very last centimeters of the 50 centimeters long very very last nail in the coffin.


                                                                              Crystal Maiden
                                                                              Bounty Hunter

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                You know what I agree with the crystal maiden, good call, she falls off a cliff after like level 10. Seems like everyone can two shot her and her ult is so easy to stop.

                                                                                harvard graduate

                                                                                  Nightstalker, - Natures Prophet IF the player doesnt go Blademail+Null / Blink maelstrom. 50% of the players still go Midas - hex/deso.
                                                                                  I havent seen the last build win in forever I think. Getting picked off solo in this patch with high networth is so devastating.
                                                                                  Also CK just seems to lose every game I play even tho I think he is actually super strong. Oh well.


                                                                                    Haven't seen many successful Enchantress players


                                                                                      TOP UNDER LOW HIGH GOOD BAD LEFT RIGHT

                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                        void so underpowerd guys, alsterblade is shit


                                                                                          Nightstalker = really weak this version, even if you give space to your teammates early on, the games drag so long that unless you snowball reaally hard, you become a melee creep with a shitty silence.

                                                                                          Chen = same as NS, his strenght was early tower push and ganks, he becomes even more uselss lategame and the ancient gimmick is just that, a gimmick, they are slow, deal low dps and mid/late are food for carries.

                                                                                          Crystal Maiden = no, just no.

                                                                                          Game is hard!

                                                                                            i do think every hero is strong in his own right, but if i had to choose i'd say:
                                                                                            Elder Titan

                                                                                            Tiny Airlines

                                                                                              I can agree with Night Stalker, he was designed for his best time to be in mid game, but now that the games just run too long now, you just can't win with him often.

                                                                                              Though we managed to really cut down on the rat dota bullshit, we need to have the developers consider removing the bounty runes and have the tier 2-3 towers slightly weaker.


                                                                                                AM got a huge buff this patch due to magic damage mechanics.... Doom doesn't do shit to him anymore..


                                                                                                that is my opinion.


                                                                                                  ^ Didn't Doom's damage always get reduced by AM's magic resistance though?


                                                                                                    "AM got a huge buff this patch due to magic damage mechanics.... Doom doesn't do shit to him anymore.."

                                                                                                    doom was previously universal so AM's resistance reduced it, and spell shield wasnt disabled by doom. now doom is pure so it deals consistent damage against heroes who have magic resistance abilities e.g. viper, huskar and pudge even if you haven't got aghs.

                                                                                                    it's acutally a buff to doom damage right now compared to previously. right now, doom's damage is very slightly less than it was previously to heroes with 25% resistance.

                                                                                                    previous damage 30/50/70 universal - equivalent to 22.5/37.5/ 52.5 pure basically
                                                                                                    now its 20 / 35 / 50, so 2.5 damage per second less vs most heroes

                                                                                                    against AM who had a max spell shield granting him 62.5% resistance, old doom would deal 11.25/18.75/26.25 dps
                                                                                                    now it deals 20/35/50, so its damage is acutally almost doubled against him, and the damage increase from aghs is better than it was previously

                                                                                                    old aghs upgrade added 20/30/40 extra dps but universal, which against AM would only result in 7.5/11.25/15 extra "pure" damage.
                                                                                                    new aghs upgrade adds 20/25/30 extra dps, pure damage

                                                                                                    so AM got nerfed vs doom but he has 2 extra base str so he's got that goin for him

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                      seems bugged to me.

                                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                        bugged how