General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with people ragequitting on your team?

How to deal with people ragequitting on your team? in General Discussion

    People ragequit so hard over the stupidest stuff

    Our windrunner said "wtf stupid" to invoker so our lion just quit, and then invo and ES quit too

    I was PA and enemy team just 5v2 rolled over us

    How do you not rage over these games?


      Well i guess players in normal skill obviously dont care about win or lose.. they play for fun.. and abandoning or feeding / ruining is a daily routine for them

      you cant stop the anonymous crew

      Epic Sax Guy

        You can't stop them. I'm seriously starting to think that "ELO hell" is real.


          afk game in "high skill"as riki
          13-0 ez

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            bind "Don't give up!" seriously, when I was try-harding with meepo it saved me a few games.


              I don't know man, this is a serious problem in 3.5k-4.0k range for me, made me consider quitting countless times. Such a good game and such b*tchass players

              Bad Intentions

                This is common in the US servers. In SEA, it rarely happens.

                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                  Happened twice while I was playing Terrorblade, managed to win both and it felt great :o SEA ftw #neversurrenderpatch


           you make them work for their win! With the new comebacks there is always a chance, sadly not in this game.


                      ^allison ragequit = ayyy lmao

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        We defended with our hearts, but PA even with the BKB couldn't do shit with the 5 man focus as soon as I got in

                        4v5 is easy winnable if 4 man plays well, but 2v5 makes it a lot harder