General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Healing stat and Legion Commanders Press the Attack

Hero Healing stat and Legion Commanders Press the Attack in General Discussion

    Hi all,

    I see a problem in match statistics... sometimes I play legion commander and when I do, I use Press the Attack on allies a lot, but in the statistics there is 0 hero healing for each match.
    So I am just reporting a problem in this topic, hoping it will be fixed somehow


      It's because press the attack is not a heal. It grants regen. Similar to how a headdress does not grant HH.


        Makes sense as it works, but not really helpful (I was thinking I am missing something in the mechanics). I think Press the Attack should count as hero healing (not headdress aura ofc, it's just passive thing, but even if it counts - it's like very little). Well at least I'm interested in this kind of statistic.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

          no it shouldnt because it isnt a heal.

          Miku Plays

            PTA removes debuff then regens HP afterwards.

            regen =/= healing

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              Come on guys. I said I understand that these are different. But the idea of the HH stats is to show how much hp did you restore on allies. Does it matter whether it's over time or instant?

              Oh Shit Waddup

                Dude i dont want to rub it in in a way that makes it seem like im flaming you but they are different mechanics, we all see your point but in a statistical manner it cant be tracked because (in my opinion) different algorithms or whatever having certain boundaries as to what valve/dotabuff classifies as healing. maybe one day it will come who knows but tbh i dont think its that big a deal


                  It would be nice if it tracked, but it doesn't because there's no easy way to figure out what regen is normal and what regen is PTA from the computer's point of view.