General Discussion

General DiscussionDear MMR diary, fuck all this shit.

Dear MMR diary, fuck all this shit. in General Discussion
Taco Timber, Witch and Morph Luna Void and OD Void

    "People arn't the fault, you are the fault. If you was good enough, you should climb easy."

    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

      Go carry


        OK OK, void did fine last game, 3d game you feed too, one more death then you dsnt mean it was his fault. Other 2 yah, yah, those sucked, no luck hapens to everyone.


          It's okay, without see the replay and don't tell nothing about that it would be no sense.

          >You feeded too
          In the first, yes, just for the last part of the game for fountain hooks. But earlyer i own the game ganking.
          In the second, well, can't shit with a hard lane (Magnus + Silencer)
          In the third, well, od never ganked once. Invoker ganked twice in 4 min. Void died in the middle of the lane even i had wards on runespots and pinged him. And anyway Od, without ganking once, have almost the same lh of windranger. Can't do so much with a treant who have to heal tower, myself and void all in the same time.
          In the fourth Void prefered keep his mida (lvl 21), so while we did (and won) a teamfight, nature destroyed all the base beacouse the one alive didn't have the tp to go back to base. And that it's the only game which i didn't feed.


          It's the same story. If i carry, nobody will support or pick fake supports only for leech exp and gold from the lane, don't buy wards, steal kills and don't support at all.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Ok sry m8, didnt know that happend.


              np bro ;))))

              THICC BABY SHUM

                Add me to friends, mbe we can stack sometimes.

                  Yorum silindi

                    you don't need wards to win a game, you need a brain to know where the enemies are.
                    you don't need to play carry every game, you can play an utility hero like earthspirit or batrider and win the game for your team.
                    i can show you 3 losses of mine today and tell you about tide who uses ravage 2 times in air and many more things that i could rage on about.
                    just find a hero (or a group of heroes) you can play efficiently and go hard with that hero until you reach you desired mmr.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      If you watch pros play in pubs, they never buy wards and win al the time,


                        btw if you really need wards, you can buy them (thats like a little more than one tp)
                        and man, 2k mmr games and games where pros play (5k-6k) are completely different games.
                        and you still didn't get my point, its not about the wards its about your awareness.
                        per say if you are farming bottom lane near enemy tower, all 5 missing, you expose yourself to an easy kill from many angles, so you better back off.
                        stuff like this, where to go, when to go, what to do and how to do it, is what makes the difference between a good and a not so good player.


                          I love people that go to the jungle with no vision, when their entire team is missing, when they have advantage and then after they die they blame NO WARDS. Sure, the lack of wards might be someones fault but if you go there without the wards and when enemies are missing you are the braindead fa­g that should have seen it coming

                          Oh well, blaming someone is always a thing

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            LaViolette, who is 2k? and its ether you buy wards or get good at map awareness, but then still your teammates might not be good at that, and get cought all the time

                            Sōu ka

                              just pick skywrath and silence creeps
                              works for me

                              THICC BABY SHUM



                                  LaViolette is my Wingman <3


                                    Wards are needed anyway for ganks. It's easy to understand when the enemy do roshan, but if i say to the team, no one cares and i have to go alone vs 5? I'm not dendi, sorry.