General Discussion

General DiscussionMost Successful hero?? (Suggestion)

Most Successful hero?? (Suggestion) in General Discussion


    Firstly, great site. I'm a plus subscriber of course. Maybe somebody already mentioned/asked this before. Apologies if so.

    Suggestion on "Most Successful" hero tab in "Heroes" tab:
    I hate the fact that most people have Spectre in their top 10 just because current meta allows Spectre to have higher chance of winning and of course having high kda scores on Spec is not difficult compared to Lion for instants... I would like a algorithm much the same as this one but to match it with the world average for that hero..

    Example: currently Spectre has a win rate of 59% and a kda of 3.93 as world average for 6.82b. Earth Spirit on the other hand has a winrate of 38% and a kda of 1.77 as world average. So lets say a person has a Spectre with 52% win rate at 2.5 kda... and a Earth Spirit with 51% win rate at 2.4 kda.. the Spectre will be ranked higher than the Earth Spirit (if they have the same amount of games played), which I feel is not accurate information. I think you'll all agree that this person cannot play Spectre that good while we can see he is a pretty good Earth Spirit considering stats...

    I know this might not be important in the bigger scheme, but I always skip looking at my "most successful" tab heroes cause I feel it's so inaccurate and move straight to my "most played" tab to look and figure out for myself who is actually my most successful played heroes.

    Do anyone else agree with me? Or am I too much of a stats freak and should not bring up the change suggestion?

    I don't think its too difficult to code. All the data is available as filters (all time, 6.82b etc)

    I just want the most successful hero tab to mean something :P


      keep playing cancer weaver bro:D