General Discussion

General DiscussionHaha lolz i was right

Haha lolz i was right in General Discussion

    cm is even worse than cd in terms of the mmr distribution



    the question is do i have the morals to keep doing this or not

    every game in ap the other team has some retard lineup like tide/tb/invoker where they just click 1-2 buttons to win teamfights and take towers while my team has a fucking lycan and np

    i wish i could pick all of my teammates' heroes in ap :(

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      wow, ether this shit happens, or you look for game for 2 to 20 min


        welp first loss, i shouldn't listen to anyone claiming he's "5.7k"

        BIG FAT DUCK

          fucking 4k trashcans

          i should just go mid every game regardless

          BIG FAT DUCK

            ISM: nice 43
            ISM: 4.3
            ISM: plz don't ever
            Bomber~: why
            ISM: tell people wha to pick again
            ISM: because ur all fucking trash
            ISM: the blue wasn't 5.7k
            Bomber~: im shaker
            ISM: fucking moron
            Bomber~: idiot
            ISM: i'm 5.1k and u retards first pick fucking carry
            Bomber~: why draft so bad
            ISM: the draft was fine
            Bomber~: am
            Bomber~: bad
            ISM: am wouldn't have died if he got blink
            ISM: first
            Bomber~: trilane
            ISM: they can't kill am retard
            Bomber~: 2 meleees
            ISM: they have 2 melees
            Bomber~: yep
            ISM: as well
            ISM: that's why ur 4k and i'm 5k

            THICC BABY SHUM

              Mid lane dsnt just win games. But I see what you mean. It might be bad idea sinc I suck at dota, but what if you pick heroes like sky or mirana and roam making sure all lanes win?

              BIG FAT DUCK

                mid does win games, i've won every single cm/cd game so far by going mid

                point and click heroes are the best, as dole pointed out. i can play heroes like ember/ta but u can't trust pubs to do that. for instance in the last game you see a team with literally 1 stun and antimage counters half the heroes (good agianst zeus/dp/slark) but he dies
                3x in lane cuz he didn't get a fucking blink skill at level 1. yes laning is a bit hard but it doesn't matter since they don't have good push heroes, they have good teamfight which am can easily live through with a bkb later on (or even a heart if he's ahead)

                dp is a good hero but apparently the guy claiming he's 5.7k (maybe he is, if so his mmr is inflated somehow) went mid with it and sucked by farming a 6 min boots and didn't even have phase 12 min in (all he had was nulls, boots, bottle, and claws)

                anyways i don't care if someone claims they are 6k i'm just going to pick what i feel works from now on and probably instantly mute anyone who tries to tell me what to pick instead of simply making suggestions

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                THICC BABY SHUM

                  happens, match making gets worst as you get better.

                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                    ism try checking the page your games are in maybe that could help

                    BIG FAT DUCK

                      i'm on us servers so it's almost never going to be pages 1-2, rarely 3-7

                      maybe if i play eu but the ping is pretty high :c

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                        nah i mean like so u wont get scammed into thinking u have 5.7k teammate lolz

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        BIG FAT DUCK

                          oh yea lol

                          the zeus in my last game is low 5k according to my friend so there's absolutely no way the dp is 5.7k (nobody on the other team besides the zeus was remotely decent)

                          the numbers wouldn't add up

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            ISM Whats with the bot match?

                            BIG FAT DUCK

                              LOW PRIORITY

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                It dsnt wok anymore, and ppl did that with 5 man al mid lycan prophet and gg under 7 min

                                BIG FAT DUCK

                                  do 4k players think that if i don't draft a c9/alliance/navi type lineup that automatically means we lose

                                  what's the explanation? brain concussion? dropped when little?

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                    it works lol just 15 min easy mode

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      what did yo draft?

                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                        yea it works i just farm till 15 min then push

                                        drow ranger is pretty good for clearing lpq since she pushes towers quickly and kills enemy bots without any problem

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          so it workes as long as its 15 min long?

                                          BIG FAT DUCK


                                            faster than unranked matches

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              cuz i remember being in lp, and me and friends did 5 man min push under 6 min and it didnt take lp game off.

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                Well thats nice, cuz I have shit winrate in lp, idk how to play vs this retards.

                                                BIG FAT DUCK

                                                  nvm i was wrong

                                                  ISM: i had a player
                                                  ISM: claim he was 5.7k
                                                  ISM: 12 min no phase boots
                                                  ISM: on dp mid
                                                  [Anon]: people get owned sometimes
                                                  ISM: i'm not
                                                  [Anon]: even in pro games
                                                  ISM: 5.7k
                                                  ISM: and i would farm much faster
                                                  ISM: how's that even possible
                                                  [Anon]: are u sure if u get ganked?
                                                  ISM: he didn't get ganked
                                                  ISM: lmao
                                                  [Anon]: gg
                                                  ISM: it was a 1v1 lane
                                                  ISM: against a fucking zeus
                                                  ISM: zeus can't do shit
                                                  ISM: to u till 6
                                                  ISM: and even then you'd have to be retarded
                                                  ISM: to be low on hp
                                                  ISM: anyways he's not 5.7k
                                                  ISM: why would people lie about their mmr
                                                  ISM: don't they realize it hurts their team
                                                  ISM: lmao
                                                  ISM: fucking delusional fucks
                                                  [Anon]: bro he is the railgun i thought he was
                                                  ISM: HE SUCKED
                                                  [Anon]: 131 Ten.Railgun
                                                  [Anon]: 131 Ten.Railgun
                                                  ISM: FINE
                                                  ISM: HE WASN'T LYING
                                                  ISM: BUT HE SUCKED
                                                  [Anon]: i mean people suck
                                                  ISM: he played like a fucking 4k player

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    Were you talking to icefraud?