General Discussion

General DiscussionGame won't be recorded due to connection issues.EU WEST!!!

Game won't be recorded due to connection issues.EU WEST!!! in General Discussion
Forgos ☭

    The last minutes of game.We are taking the enemy team throne and a text like this shows (Game won't be recorded due to connection issues) up from nowhere at the same time 5 or -7 players dc from the game.Volvo please fix this:


      if this game was yesterday same happend to me also... counted ass a loss but didnt recored.. servers went down everyone lagged out.. if this was yesterday then u are unlucky that happened just before u take the throne xD

      Forgos ☭

        It just happened.Now it happened again.I was playing brewmaster and suddenly my dota 2 crashed I tried to rejoin but it gave a black screen.I even searched all live games with brew on it but couldn't find a trace...


          at least this hapenned to me yesterday.. i was on rus then happened on eu west too.. dunno hope today everything is back as normal lol


            i played only 1 game today in eu west, and that shit was lagging half the time.
            storm from our team and ta from enemy were idle next to eachother for like 1 minute LOL, i was like wtf, then when i was hitting the tower
            it was in slow motion :))
            gud thing noone actualy dropped, easy 25 mmr, but lags were real, i think volvo broke somethin
            report volvo


              i reported volvo now waiting :)

              Forgos ☭

                Well my brewmaster game disappeared.I think nine of the players manage to end the game ör stat un gae for auto win

                ICE SKULL

                  reminder to only play eu west after 9 pm eu time

                  Forgos ☭

                    9 PM in which timezone?GMT +1 or GMT? And why after 9 PM?


                      just happened to me on a game i was about to lose, TY DOTA GODS