General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for playmates

looking for playmates in General Discussion
meta monkeys pick meta shit


    haha, got very high by 6th game. This lol clone with no flesh is easy, championz liek riki/drow are easy to raise ELO :3

    play those op champs and you will get gold in no time ;)

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      Do you do cyber? love the title of this thread.

      Low Expectations

        wowow everyone flexing their dicks

        Low Expectations

          honestly to determine who is the biggest dick around you should both take your mmrs from all your accounts add them up and see who has the most epeen sweg. Winner gets the oppertunity to flame/support anime

          one and half gun

            took me 10 seconds to find out this is OP's main account

            that explains why hes been trying to reach 5k past calibration with 11 accounts



              Game is hard!

                @Wave you failed once again. That's not me, but you can keep up the search. You seem very very very interested.

                "im in fucking tears, looking at his last 5 matches i'm going to assume his actual rating is 4.7k to 4.8k, no more or less than this"

                "whats in front of my eyes is a 4.5k mmr autistic bydlo lying about something insignificant to me"

                make up your mind pls.

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                  ANYWAYS; i will be on-topic. I would love to play with you; most of my friends are either 3.0k OR rarelly play at all.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    who is OP?

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      Who cares what his mmr is, nothing else to talk about?

                      Game is hard!

                        @YNIT well, i am me!

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                 who is this guy?
                          just wondering

                          Game is hard!

                            don't really know him, all i know is, that he is a mate from owl.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              Cool, today going for 24 hours doto, need that 50% and fucking 4k. most likelly not gonnaget it for sometime, but will try best. game is hard.


                                smurfs literally worst thing in dota, always get some bad games where the smurf goes like 0 6 and goes whats happening?

                                Pretty much no reason to make smurfs when the journey is pretty much the same on the main

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  who was talking about smurfs here?

                                  Game is hard!

                                    @wraithseeker I don't play that much on this smurf, but when i do i usually am muted on my main account or simply cann't play due to dodging people :)

                                    and the whole "usually when smurf", well you are right, but some don't suck ;3

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