General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm bad at Dota

I'm bad at Dota in General Discussion

    Title says it all. My MMR is not good. I'm not doing some shady scheme and creating a smurf account to exploit the calibration system or something, so please don't suggest anything like that. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I legitimately want to improve. Step one is realizing problems exist, so now I'm looking for help identifying and correcting them.

    I'm looking for real advice telling me what I'm doing wrong and how I can improve. If there are people on here willing to look at my dotabuff and give some constructive criticism, or hell, if you're some kind of masochist that can handle watching one or two of my garbage tier replays, that'd be amazing.

    As a side note, I'm at least smart enough to watch my own replays and identify when I wasn't carrying a tp that I should have been or something like that. I'm trying to get some advice on the stuff that I might not realize I'm doing wrong, as opposed to the REALLY obvious stuff that even I notice upon review.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who's willing to help!

    Airi ♥

      youre not too far with my mmr i guess, but as i can see, you're willing to learn. you play maiden. my take is this:

      lasthitting is a bit spotty. my record is 450 on a 63 minute game, and i thought im bad at lasthitting. you got <390 on a 75 minute game, and not on a luna. surprising. playing hard bot can tweak your lasthitting. and even at mid-lategame, dont just auto-attack.

      you seem to have high kills even on a maiden. if kill is almost secured, avoid ks'ing the carry. i know it's a guilty pleasure to get kills, but you're asking to improve. avoid ks'ing

      but idk, i also believe youre smart enough, yeah. maybe avoid your low winrate heroes for a change i guess? pick heroes as long as you can have a winstreak with him. i currently have undying backing me up, for some reason even if we win, i know im still lacking something, i tweak item builds over time, and alas! an 18-game win streak, from normal to very high in normal matchmaking. just by being open minded aside from picking what's always winning.

      hope this helps!


        play weaver or mirana to raise your mmr (especially weaver, you have very nice stats).
        im sure you can get at least 500 mmr if you only play weaver, even tho to some people playing 1 hero is really boring.
        on the improving part - try to add some people on dotabuff and just play with them, there are some nice people posting here, and playing with a better player (or in a stack of better players) you will eventually pick up a thing or two, and you will improve.
        or just watch 1st page games, or replays of some very good player.
        what i did to learn a bit of earth spirit was watching keemerah and jerax play, and i managed to raise my winrate from 30 to 60% with this hero.

        but in general if you are below 3k or ~3kish, most of the times you can just outfarm the enemy carry and outplay them.
        at that range people don't think much about farm, more about kills and running around doing nothing, and while the enemy carry runs around, you can just farm a camp in the woods while still being near your team or having a tp.
        anyway i feel like i wrote too much, i hope you read it and i hope it helped :)))


          Thanks for the responses! I'll definitely keep those things in mind. And yeah, my last hitting does need work. Apart from bad mechanics, I think I run around looking for kills and not actually doing anything too much in the the mid and late game, which hurts my farm.

          And don't worry about writing too much. More information = me being less bad.

          Thanks again for the advice! And to anyone else who reads this, please chime in if you have the time and feel you can help :)


            Hard to say with a blanket statement but this is what I have to say.

            -Always be doing something. No matter what role, you should always be doing something. Farming, ganking, getting runes, warding, pushing, roshing, healing, baiting, stacking. Literally the only time you should be doing nothing is if your trapped in you base or if you're sitting behind your farmer. There may be a couple more situations, but thats all I can think of.

            -You mentioned you watch your replays. Thats great. You can see if your insticts were corrected. Could you have prevented a death from an obvious gank? Could you have seen the gank on the minimap? Did you need more ward coverage? It's good to know what the fog/day-night effect has. Watch yourself in a team fight from your perspective. Were you tunnel visioned? Shouldyou have gone after another target? Game sense is hard to learn, but it can be reviewed and improved by rewatching fights at all speeds and angles.

            -Watch streams, not of the pros though. When pros play pub it's a very different situation. Maybe someone who's 1k higher than your current mmr. Watch how they play, what they're looking at, their item choices, their game decisions, how they farm, how they use their skills.

            -Understand the game. Know when to push. Know when to fight. Know when you have to force the game to end. Know when you can stall out and farm. Know when to rosh. It's hard to know what's right, and it's even harder to force teammates to agree with you, but do what you can to force the game it should be played. This is probably the root of why people are so mad at each other, but try to understand what should be accomplished instead of aimlessly going through the motions without knowing whats coming next.

            -Never blame your team. Not really, games have definitely been lost because of your teammates. Don't break into the habit of blaming teammates every time you lose. There are almost always something you could have done better yourself, even if you still would have lost. You'll win your share of games because of bad play on the other side as well. Just focus on yourself and what you could have done better to succeed.


              Awesome, thanks for the tips. Do you have any specific recommended streams that are good for lower tiered players to watch? With the sheer number of people who post videos and streams about Dota, it's hard to sift through to find ones worth watching.


                haha nope, no idea, sorry. Unfortunately the range you probably are looking for is 4-5k which aren't that popular which means they probably aren't streaming frequently. The "regular" stream I watch is aliastar. He's pretty good and is pretty chill.

                The reason why I say don't watch pro streams to look to improve your play is that you'll never play under their circumstances. If they queue up with their friends, most of time those friends are really good. Even in solo queue they are highly known, so teammates will either bow down or purposely troll the streamer. Also the other team may just constantly gun for them. You won't be in that situation.

                Also, it's easier to grasp concepts that are closer to your current skill level. If you can do what they do, you'll start winning out of that bracket.

                JUICY J

                  become a "master" with 3-5 heroes, play them in ranked. save your experimental heroes for party MMR or non-ranked or whatever.

                  play heroes that can win games on their own, doesn't matter what MMR you're at, you are the only person you're guaranteed to have in fights. there isn't some magical MMR threshold where everyone starts working together.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Jimmy Low (Great Eastern)

                    Dude that's the attitude, what's your mmr tho?
                    Add me if you want to play tgt and learn, 3.8k mmr