General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the unranked MMR ceiling on your server?

What is the unranked MMR ceiling on your server? in General Discussion
Juicy O3O

    It feels like once you reach a certain point, then the MMR gap becomes enormous between teams or players. This might be a problem for underpopulated / underskilled servers such as USE , USW or SEA. A week ago I was stacking with 4 other friends. I think our average team mmr is around low 4k, yet we matched vs a 5k-6k semi pro stack. The server we were on was USW.

    Notably this guy, who has been in teams with PPD and TC. But the rest of the team I think is also high mmr.


      unranked is definitely low 4k, unranked in australia, russia, south africa, brazil and korea is most likely 98% low 3k

      Juicy O3O

        How about Europe? I can somewhat see this as a problem because it would mean that server population is directly proportional to the highest MMR on the leaderboard. I see people joke about how 6k USE = 4k EU but It seems pretty counter intitutive.

        go kill urself

          us west, east is both ~4k from my experience.

          although i used to hit some 6k friends on unranked, its extremely rare. nobody thats 4k-5k hidden(unranked) plays it sadly.


            I think it depends on the average hidden MMR of players on that server. I find games on the Aussie server a lot easier than those in SEA, while those on Perfect World servers can be a lot tougher.

            Juicy O3O

              ^ I think that's true. China probably don't have as many players as Europe but that's not to say pubs are less skilled. Infact, AUI_2000 mentioned in a twitter post or a vlog that China players are actually many times better than EU/NA. However, the top 200 MMR leaderboard doesn't reflect that fact. Servers with higher populations will generally have more inflated upper-end mmrs.

              Anyone else notice EE gained +200 while being in China? I think he was around 6900-7k when he left but he is now 7200. I think it's due to the fact that they have more competent teammates. While in America he was losing games on his 4k smurf on USE because of having a bad team.

              ICE SKULL

                the only servers u can play unranked and actually meet 5ks which is a rare chance to do is eu west and us east

                ICE SKULL

                  i think its because there are two different chinese servers to choose to queue on and he and other attendants for the tournament queues there

                  obviously he'll win because he treats pubs as tournament, or he told pieliedie and bone7 to queue on their smurfs to be in his team or against him

                  kanye went to uni

                    theres as many 3.7k players as there are 3.2k players in aus, from what i hear the gaps start happening around 4k if you queue odd hours


                      SEA here

                      if you solo queue unranked the average mmr is around 4k

                      if you 5 stack unranked, you only meet other 5 stacks and the rating is alot higher.

                      like I mentioned previously SEA unranked has 5k mmr average stacks half the time, I became friends with about 3 different stacks due to playing against them 3-4 times in one night and some of them are above 6k mmr.

                      sometimes people tire of solo queue and want to play with friends, because hell dota is a team game after all and it's much more enjoyable playing with people you know

                      e.g. this match is the entire rave stack except jeyo who was replaced by some random guy

                      rave is also the team that took a game of tongfu.oldboys


                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      ICE SKULL

                        trying way too hard to justify unranked

                        unranked is the new low priority unless you play specifically in eu west or us east, whats there to not understand?


                          trying way too hard to ignore my evidence

                          you dont play 5 stacks, you dont play SEA, what is there that you understand?

                          i've played like 100+ unranked 5 stack matches in SEA over the last month and like I already said, about half of the games are big names in the competitive scene or consistent 5k stacks. granted, the other half are like 4k+ teams which is why my win rate has been inflated recently.

                          meanwhile this guy who doesn't play SEA, doesn't 5-stack and doesn't play unranked is trying to tell me my opponents are all 3-4k autistic russians


                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          ICE SKULL

                            how can u even try to justify this shit lmao u just dont want to play solo/party ranked sea because people tryhard, theres also TMM.
                            im fully aware you 5 stack in unranked because games are easier (i wonder why they are easy) and you dont need to try your best to win as opposed to RANKED


                            i can link u some more and yeah idgaf about 5 stacking in unranked, its too fucking boring, if i do play unranked its either me with 1 or 2 friends

                            all of those dotabuff links you just gave me are a bunch of people stacking in unranked to increase their winrate and kda lolz


                              party ranked sea = tryhard?
                              queueing 10-20 minutes for a +5/-45 is tryhard?
                              dear god wave you have to be fucking kidding me, you have no idea how bad party ranked is here
                              TMM is exactly the same as party ranked with a separate rating

                              i guess i should fuck all my irl friends and leave them alone and play solo because fuck friends, fuck stacking and im a masochist
                              i played solo mostly when my irl friends had commitments, since they are free to play now why the fuck would i play solo

                              let me quote you:

                              "unranked is definitely low 4k"
                              "the only servers u can play unranked and actually meet 5ks which is a rare chance to do is eu west and us east"

                              how the fuck does the evidence i provide not disprove your point

                              i provide proof that plenty of my matches are against 5k/6k players, and your counter-argument is "all of those dotabuff links you just gave me are a bunch of people stacking in unranked to increase their winrate and kda lolz"

                              which proves my point doesn't it? that unranked is nowhere near low 4k when half the stacks are 5k+ players "looking to increase their winrate and kda lolz" and what happens when these stacks clash? it becomes as competitive as solo, except that the teams are actually communicating amongst themselves

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              ICE SKULL

                                sry dude but no queue has ever been 10+ minutes since valve tweaked rmm after february or so

                                how can u say 5 party is the same as solo ranked lolz, i demand you to 5 stack with 5ks and show me that the queue for ranked is 10-20 minutes while recording it.


                                  dude i played a ton of +5 games back in may/june, which was when i got sick of bothering with party ranked and moved to unranked instead. even if the queue time did shorten, it doesn't change the problem of a lack of 5k+ stacks in party ranked. When i played solo ranked I could only get 5k teamamtes like 1 in 4 games, you expect party ranked to have more 5k players?

                                  anyway my reasons for playing unranked are not even relevant to the topic here

                                  you havent replied me on the rest of the points yet, and the original argument that there are "only low 4k players in unranked"

                                  the whole point of this thread was to show the unranked mmr ceiling on servers, and i provided evidence that there exists an abundance of 5k+ players in party unranked regardless of their purpose, contrary to your claims that only low 4k players queue unranked

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  ICE SKULL

                                    even if you gave me 1 million dollar i would still say which is the most accurate thing in this matter "solo ranked > party ranked > unranked solo > uranked party > low priority > bots" when it comes to SEA matchmaking

                                    why do u say unranked party is more competitive than solo ranked then? why would that shit be more competitive if there arent any 5k players in solo ranked SEA

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      i didnt say "only low 4ks queue unranked", but its mainly them with inflated hidden rating

                                      just admit it lolz u 5 stack in unranked for easy wins with friends


                                        because 90% of the competitive players dont bother to solo queue, because they have friends to play with and solo queue is hardly an enjoyable affair, maybe? most of the competitive players here only play scrims or party queue, and nobody likes to play games where -45 is an ever-present possibility

                                        do you think it possible that one tires of solo queue when half the game is competing with your own teammates and trying to resolve arguments?

                                        does the prospect of playing with friends whom you can get along with and communicate well not become a much more appealing choice?

                                        and, given that you are already stacking, why bother with the nuances of ranked when you are going to get a -45 on the off chance that you lose a single match at all?

                                        but hey you don't play SEA, and you're not me, yet you claim to know me better than me

                                        no idea why you want to talk so much about a server that you don't even play, and lack experience about

                                        and yes you are still off topic, the whole point was to prove that the unranked ceiling is not low 4k players

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        ICE SKULL

                                          so basically when you queue unranked with 4 other friends, you meet more competitive players than no names

                                          i dont see that on ur dotabuff


                                            because you dont bother to check their profiles perhaps?

                                            plenty of them are 5k-6k players with whom i am mutually familiar from solo ranked back in the past, and i posted many of their profiles in the other thread which you conveniently ignored

                                            like these two matches i played in a row

                                            was against (who is a 6k meepo player on his main) and his stack, but of course you wouldn't know since hardly any high ranked SEA players or competitive SEA players are well known or even verified by dotabuff.

                                            or you need more blatant examples

                                            xfreedom stack+some ex-competitive players
                                            mith stack (3 ex-mith players)
                                            rave stack (3 or 4 current rave players)
                                            ex-fd stack (KS+randoms)
                                            noova stack (6k player + 3/4 5k players)

                                            these are all off the last 2 pages of my matches, yeah the other half of the time i get matched against random scrubs but playing against tryhard stacks is anything but easy

                                            there are some less prominent stacks i meet consistently for whom i can only identify a few players
                                            5k stack (maid-sama guy -> 5k solo)
                                            5k+ stack (insignificantme -> 5.5k solo 6k party) -> watched him win a 1v1 competition against meracle at singapore ti4 pubstomp
                                            5k+ stack (semi-competitive players)

                                            if you want to go on believing unranked SEA is literally russia or something then i cant be bothered to argue any more, i've already thrown out all the evidence here

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            ICE SKULL

                                              how many stacks in unranked SEA are there that tryhards


                                                ^ edited last post

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  does nova live in eu or in sea and his rating is inflated as fuck


                                                    lives in SEA studies in EU, i dont know about his rating being inflated but he has pretty good understanding of the game from the matches i played with him

                                                    he stacks with xy- plenty when playing EU i think

                                                      Yorum silindi
                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                        att du har 80-90% i euw

                                                        du e ju 4k lr nåt sen ranked kom ut

                                                          Yorum silindi
                                                            Yorum silindi

                                                              WTF? 503 NOT HEALTHY ERROR?


                                                                Error 503 No healthy backends

                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                  vrf tog du bort din kommentar lolz


                                                                    Lol de buggade helt

                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                      visa ditt 80-90% konto


                                                                        I've played tons of unranked games lately and 70%-80% of the games my team consists of 2 or more people being 5k+.

                                                                        Added lot of people lately, and it seems true according to their profiles.

                                                                        The other thing though, is the quality of unranked games are far worse than ranked.


                                                                          brazil is 3k max

                                                                          tb starts with sobi mask and tangos
                                                                          night stalker goes for naked ring of health


                                                                            HAHAHHA AND VOLVO CALLS IT VERY HIGH :D

                                                                            very low is more accurate

                                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                                              hur får du det till 80% ska jag komma o olla dig på ansiktet


                                                                                just ask Vrok or Chris they are the masters of normalz




                                                                                    den är 76% nu för att vi losade massa irad ^^


                                                                                      Most pro players in SEA moved to play normal already. Solo Ranked MMR in SEA is pretty shitty for those who have 6k+ MMR.

                                                                                      Ddz has been playing normal for a while now.

                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                        hur förlorar du ens i unranked


                                                                                          starka motståndare


                                                                                            EU Master race