General Discussion

General DiscussionBest TBs?

Best TBs? in General Discussion

    Link profile pls, I want to learn


      demondota, swiftending, arthas, arteezy are the only ones i can think of who got balls to play terrorblade since 6 .80 making them legit tb players


        wave still wants to ignore i played almost half my tb games post-nerf with a higher win rate

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        ICE SKULL

          yeah but u have like 20 games since 6.81 in ranked but they have millions and they stomp pubs with TB

          ICE SKULL

            + i only listed players with replays available


              I think Zenoth has highest average gpm on terrorblade.





                  SEA high mmr stacks all don't bother with Ranked because the queue time is so long, and most of the time it's a +5

                  i party queue with 3k-4k friends all the time with the occasional 5k and play against 6k players on a semi-regular basis

                  here's a few examples of the people i get matched against all the time


                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  ICE SKULL

                    you dont get +5 in solo queue and unranked sea is probably 3k-4k lolz

                    ICE SKULL

                      i know who this nooova is, didnt know hes from SEA but i know hes awful


                        unranked sea is 5k+ competitive stacks 50% of the time, the fucking people i just linked are the people i play against fairly regularly

                        nooova is 6k on both EU and SEA

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        ICE SKULL

                          i know, his rating is inflated as hell based on how he plays, no unranked region is 5k+ "competitive", sea is literally russia to me

                          just play solo ranked and get 6k with tb, its a nice patch for late game heroes


                            ya mith stack, rave stack, competitive teams are literally russia

                            i'm talking about 5v5 stacks where you only get matched against other 5 stacks

                            i dont think you play 5v5... 5v5 unranked is very different from solo unranked,

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            ICE SKULL

                              u get matched vs other 5 stacks in unranked often here in euw and us east

                              i just looked through some of ur latest matches
                     no dagon but eblade? o.0
                     drums puck? o.0

                              just play ranked lolz, even fpz is doing well with terrorblade and hes a 4.5k mmr player but he abused brood to 5.5k

                              ICE SKULL

                                and dont even compare party unranked to solo ranked


                                  and in the game with drums puck...


                                  its competitive players every fucking game

                                  honestly i find party unranked more competitive than solo ranked if only because i'm facing opponents that communicate every single game, and are mostly competitive stacks short of one or two players

                                  also why would i solo when i have friends to play with

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  ICE SKULL

                                    because unranked is the new low priority

                                    just play solo ranked dude, no need to say it gives u +5, its only for ranked party that happens


                                      dude do you get my point, where do competitive 5-stacks go?

                                      not ranked because its a 10 minute queue for a +5
                                      not solo because they want to play in a party.
                                      not team matchmaking because it's basically ranked and still a 10 minute wait

                                      as a result all the good stacks end up in unranked, though you wouldn't know since you dont play in stacks anyway

                                      every 2-3 games i meet competitive players from various SEA teams or well known players like who plays only meepo

                                      i only queue as five and have only met five stacks for the last few months or so, quite often you meet the same stack again and again and it becomes a Bo3 in one night

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      BIG FAT DUCK


                                        BIG FAT DUCK

                                          wave what's a good hero this patch i can't win a single game at 5k lol


                                            Only people that que unranked (stacks even more so) are the ones that want to grind stats. That profile you linked is a perfect example.

                                            Whenever i saw anyone stacking on streams they literally never play unranked. Like ever. Unless its locked because of smurfing.